Home Tech Google Launches Google AI Essentials: Learn AI Skills for Improved Productivity

Google Launches Google AI Essentials: Learn AI Skills for Improved Productivity

Google has made a significant announcement with the launch of Google AI Essentials, a self-paced course aimed at helping individuals across various industries and roles acquire AI skills to enhance their productivity. The course is designed to be accessible to anyone, regardless of their coding skills or background.

To ensure equal access to AI training, Google has established a $75 million AI Opportunity Fund, which aims to enable over a million Americans to enhance their AI skills. The Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) and Goodwill Industries International will be the initial recipients of funding from this fund.

Google’s AI Essentials course provides users with a comprehensive understanding of how to utilize AI tools in a range of applications. By leveraging these tools, individuals can develop ideas and content, make informed decisions, and expedite routine tasks. The course emphasizes the diverse goals that can be achieved through the use of AI tools.

Participants in the course will benefit from hands-on training provided by Google’s AI experts. This unique opportunity to learn directly from industry professionals will equip individuals with valuable skills and knowledge. Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate from Google, which can be shared within their professional networks.

The platform is designed to facilitate collaboration among employers, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations. By leveraging this platform, these entities can work together to make practical AI skills easily accessible to people. Notably, Citigroup, Miami Dade College, and Stanford Digital Education have already committed to incorporating AI Essentials into their employee learning and development programs.

This initiative builds upon Google’s commitment to providing digital skills training in local communities. In January, they announced the Generative AI for Educators course. Additionally, over 600,000 individuals worldwide have been awarded Google Career Certificates, further demonstrating their dedication to enabling people to gain access to valuable digital skills training.

Google’s ultimate goal is to ensure that individuals can easily acquire the necessary knowledge and proficiency in artificial intelligence. To learn more about AI Essentials or enroll in the course, individuals can visit grow.google.com/ai.

In related news, YouTube’s recent update on Android devices has received criticism for draining battery life quickly.

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