
Google Maps on iOS and Carplay Introduce Speed Limits and Speedometer Feature

Google Maps on iOS and Carplay now include speed limits and a speedometer feature to assist iPhone users while driving. This update, which was first introduced to Android users in 2019, aims to improve road safety by providing drivers with real-time information about their driving speed and alerts if they exceed the speed limit.

To enable the speed limit indicators on Google Maps, users can go to the app’s Settings, navigate to the Navigation section, and select “Driving options.” Once activated, the speedometer will display the current driving speed, while the speed limit alerts will notify drivers if they are driving too fast for the designated region.

The introduction of these features on iOS and Carplay is a welcome addition, as it brings parity between Android and iPhone users. It is also a testament to Google’s commitment to enhancing user experience and promoting safer driving practices.

By incorporating speed limits into Google Maps, drivers can be more aware of the legal speed limits in their area and adjust their driving accordingly. This feature can be particularly useful when driving in unfamiliar locations or when there are frequent changes in speed limits.

Additionally, the color-changing speed indicator serves as a visual reminder for drivers to stay within the speed limits. This gentle nudge can help prevent unintentional speeding and reduce the risk of accidents.

Google’s decision to include these features in its navigation app reflects the growing importance of technology in promoting road safety. With smartphones becoming an integral part of our lives, it is crucial to leverage their capabilities to create safer driving environments.

Moreover, Google Maps offers a range of other features and tips to optimize the user experience. From turning location services on and off to downloading maps for offline use, users can make the most of this versatile app.

In conclusion, the introduction of speed limits and a speedometer feature on Google Maps for iOS and Carplay is a significant step towards improving road safety. By providing drivers with real-time information about speed limits and their driving speed, Google aims to promote responsible and safer driving practices. With these features now available to iPhone users, Google Maps continues to be a go-to navigation app for millions of drivers worldwide.