
Google Takes Action Against Deepfake Pornography in Search Rankings

Artificial Intelligence and Deepfake Pornography: Google’s Response

Google has taken steps to address the issue of deepfake pornography by lowering AI-generated or synthetic porn in its search rankings. The company aims to decrease the visibility of involuntary synthetic pornography in search results and develop more safeguards as the space evolves.

The Impact on Deepfake Sites:
The traffic on sites featuring nonconsensual and AI-generated porn via Google has seen a decline in the last month. Two prominent deepfake sites experienced a significant decrease in U.S.-based desktop search traffic compared to the previous six-month average. This decline indicates that Google’s efforts to derank such search results have had an impact. However, it is important to note that these sites can still be discovered despite the deranking.

Google’s Commitment to Protect Users:
Google acknowledges the seriousness of the issue and has been actively developing new protections in search to help individuals affected by deepfake pornography. The company is building on its existing policies and working towards creating a safer online environment.

Google’s Updated Policies and Enforcement:
Earlier this month, Google updated its policies to ban advertisers from promoting websites that facilitate the creation of deepfake pornography. This update, which will be enforced on May 30, specifically targets sites or apps that generate deepfake pornography, provide instructions on how to create it, or endorse and compare deepfake pornography services. Advertisers who violate this policy will face suspension and be unable to advertise with Google in the future.

The Role of Google in Deepfake Pornography Promotion:
As one of the biggest traffic-drivers to sites promoting synthetic or AI-generated porn, Google has faced criticism for its role in facilitating the spread of deepfakes. Searches for celebrities or content creators combined with the term “deepfake” often lead users to sites specializing in such explicit content. Thousands of women have complained to Google about these websites, highlighting the urgent need for action.

The Crisis of Deepfakes:
The prominence and proliferation of deepfakes have been labeled a crisis, particularly for women and people of marginalized genders. In the past year, deepfakes featuring famous figures like Taylor Swift and Jenna Ortega have sparked widespread discussions about the ethical implications and the responsibility of big tech companies. Other major platforms, including Meta apps and X (formerly Twitter), have also been called out for their complicity in allowing nonconsensual porn to spread.

Google’s efforts to address the issue of deepfake pornography are commendable, but there is still work to be done to combat this harmful content effectively. The company’s commitment to developing new protections and enforcing strict policies is a step in the right direction. However, collaboration among tech companies, lawmakers, and advocacy groups is crucial to fully address the crisis of deepfakes and protect individuals from the harmful impacts of nonconsensual synthetic pornography.