Home Artificial Intelligence How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the Landscape of eLearning

How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the Landscape of eLearning

Artificial Intelligence is the current buzzword that is circulating the internet. Everyone is talking about AI and how it is transforming the world of education. 

This technology is revolutionizing the way education and corporate training are being imparted. 


AI is an indispensable part of our lives. According to statistics, 83% of companies are incorporating AI in their strategies and plans. So, if you are the leader of an organization, you are behind many of your competitors if you have not yet implemented AI in your corporate training. 


But how does it work, and how is it transforming the world of learning? AI in Elearning is helping provide a personalized learning experience, helping learners retain information and improving engagement. 


Let us understand the concept in detail. 

What is AI in eLearning?

Artificial Intelligence is a technology that uses computers to mimic the decision-making capabilities of a human being. In eLearning, AI is used to perform the task that requires human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities. 

AI in eLearning enhances and improves the learning process of learners and educators. It helps create a personalized learning experience by analyzing their strengths, weaknesses, learning preferences, and progress.


AI enables an intelligent tutoring system that adapts to the learner’space. 

According to the reports by MarketsandMarkets, the global market size of AI in education is expected to grow from 1.9 billion USD in 2020 to 407 billion USD in 2027. These whooping numbers prove that organizations are increasingly adopting AI in their learning process.


Let us now look at how AI is transforming the eLearning platform. 

How AI is Transforming Elearning:

AI is transforming the workplace in many ways. The following are some of the ways it is transforming corporate training and eLearning: 

AI is Personalizing the Learning Process

AI is no longer a desired addition to the learning process but has become a necessity due to its ability to provide a personalized experience. 


The “one-size-fits-all” learning process is a thing of the past. Now, learners want an experience specifically tailored to their needs and expectations, a journey where they are the protagonists. 


Personalized learning in AI is a data-driven process where the machine analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, and progress of the learner and comes with a tailored learning program that is specifically made for them. 


So, if a learner is lagging in one of the areas, the machine can quickly identify the problem and come up with a solution. 


AI is Making Remote Learning More Accessible

AI is making eLearning more accessible around the globe by implementing bots. When you have hundreds of learners across the globe who are learning in different time zones, having a human assistant to manage and solve the doubts of these learners can become difficult. 


However, AI can fill this gap by implementing bots to answer repetitive questions. 


If you are an organization that works remotely, you may also be aware that your employees who live in different countries have different working hours. 

So, if you plan to provide them with training on a new strategy that your team has adopted, coordinating with them in different time zones can be difficult. In such scenarios, a bot powered by AI is very helpful. Employees from different places in the world can learn on their own time and solve their queries with the help of bots. 


And don’t worry about the implementation cost because bots are easy to maintain and cost-effective to accommodate remote learners across the globe.


AI is Bringing Virtual Tutors to eLearning

Virtual tutors are not the same as chatbots. They are more responsive and proactive. They can detect if a particular question the learner answers is correct and provide real-time feedback. 


Bots only answer questions when they are being asked. But Virtual tutors provide instant feedback and guide the learner throughout the process. 


One major problem that remote learning had was inefficient assessments. However, by integrating AI into eLearning, organizations can solve this problem and come up with effective evaluation strategies. 


Virtual tutors are widely used during the assessments. They help with automated scheduling, how a particular module works, and provide real-time explanations of points present in the course material. 

AI is Making eLearning More Adaptive

AI is more than just personalized learning. It makes the learning process more adaptive by detecting knowledge gaps and boosting learner engagement. It has revolutionized the assessment process by providing adaptive assessments.  The technology continually assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the learner. 


This provides a more data-driven approach to learning, ensuring learners are not overwhelmed or underwhelmed by the questions. This method provides a more accurate evaluation of the student’s knowledge and abilities. 


Moreover, conducting assessments and grading them is a very time-consuming process. But AI has made the process simple. The technology can understand the intent and answers of a written assessment. 


AI also helps detect plagiarism, where precisely the same answers written by two individuals can be easily identified. 


AI is Enabling Better Decision Making

Evaluating your employee’s knowledge gaps and how much they can grasp from a particular topic will have some limitations when you have an instructor or trainer. 


But AI simplifies this process by efficiently analyzing huge and intricate data. It can identify recurring patterns and trends and enable organizations to make better decisions on how to move forward with a particular learning model and how efficient the employees are in grasping the information. 


Artificial intelligence helps L&D leader receive information about how a learner progress and which areas need more focus. This information can help them make better decisions. 



Integration of Artificial Intelligence in eLearning is becoming an essential tool for every organization. Organizations that are leveraging the benefits of this tool are seeing tremendous growth in their employee productivity and implementation of new strategies and plans. 

AI makes eLearning more efficient by personalizing it, implementing adaptive learning, making it more accessible to remote learners, implementing bots and virtual tutors, and enabling better decision-making. 


AI has become such an important part of the learning process that it is almost impossible to imagine an online learning program without it.


So, take all the advantages of AI and see how the productivity of your organization soars.

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