
How to Avoid Password Reset Attacks on Your iPhone


Password reset attacks targeting Apple iPhone users are becoming increasingly common. These attacks involve bombarding users with password reset prompts and impersonating Apple employees to gain access to personal data. While these attacks are not new, there has been a recent uptick in cases. This article will provide insights on how to avoid falling victim to these attacks and protect your iPhone.

Don’t trust outbound calls:

One crucial rule to avoid getting hacked or scammed is not to trust outbound calls. In the case of password reset attacks, scammers will call pretending to be Apple employees. However, it is important to remember that Apple does not make outbound calls to users without a prior request. If you receive a call claiming to be from a company, hang up and call the official number listed on the company’s website. By initiating the call yourself, you can ensure you are connected to the genuine company. Often, you will find that the company did not actually call you.

To be safe, it is best to not answer calls from unfamiliar numbers. Let them leave a message, and if they claim to be from Apple, call Apple’s official phone number directly to verify the issue.

‘Don’t allow’ the password reset option:

The password reset prompts may appear convincing as they are official system notifications. However, it is important not to be fooled. Clicking “Don’t Allow” each time is crucial to prevent the attacker from gaining access to your device. By consistently denying the password reset option, the attacker will eventually give up.

Change your Apple ID phone number:

As a last resort, users can change the phone number connected to their Apple ID to stop these notifications. However, this may disrupt current iPhone settings and features such as iMessage or FaceTime until the number is set back. It is advisable to only resort to this option if necessary.

By not giving the attackers any attention and consistently denying their attempts, they will likely move on to other targets. It is essential to prioritize your device’s security and protect your personal data from these password reset attacks.

In conclusion, password reset attacks targeting Apple iPhone users are on the rise. To avoid falling victim to these attacks, it is crucial not to trust outbound calls and verify them through official channels. Clicking “Don’t Allow” for password reset prompts and changing the Apple ID phone number can also help prevent these attacks. By being vigilant and proactive in protecting your device, you can ensure your iPhone’s security and safeguard your personal information.