
How to Improve Technology in Schools

Communication in our schools should be a priority. It helps everyone in the school community understand each other better. Good communication will build stronger relationships and a more supportive learning environment.

Using technology to improve school communication can create a more informed and engaged community. Students, parents, and staff can all stay updated. Tools like communication platforms, social media, and digital signage make it easy to keep everyone connected. As technology advances, schools using these tools will be better prepared to support student success.

Here are practical ways to use technology to improve school communication so everyone can work together to help students succeed.


The School Website

A school website should be where students and parents can easily find important information. The admin can update the site regularly with news, events, and resources, keeping everyone in the loop.

The website can also have calendars, contact details, and links to useful platforms like the school’s learning management system. This helps parents stay involved in their child’s education and gives students the information they need to succeed.


Digital Signage

Digital signs in school entrances or common areas can create a friendly atmosphere by showing messages, school news, and greetings. These screens can share real-time updates and announcements about school events, schedule changes, and important notices to keep everyone informed.

Highlighting student achievements like awards, academic successes, and extracurricular activities on digital signs can lift school spirits and acknowledge students’ efforts. Some digital signage software may have interactive features that engage students and staff with the content. These features include checking schedules, accessing school resources, or participating in surveys.


School-Wide Learning and Communication Platforms

School-wide communication platforms are digital systems that let everyone stay in touch, including students, teachers, administrators, and parents. These platforms often have features like messaging, announcements, file sharing, calendars, and sometimes even grading or assignment tracking all in one place. Examples include tools like Google Classroom or Microsoft Teams for Education.

A centralized system helps parents not miss or misunderstand messages. It also ensures consistency because everyone gets the same information simultaneously. With this system, parents and students are more likely to join extracurricular and other school activities. They can stay updated on academic progress, upcoming events, and other important matters.


Regular Newsletters and Updates

Newsletters and updates provide a structured way to share critical information with parents. They can include news about upcoming events, academic achievements, policy changes, and other relevant topics.

Regular communication keeps parents informed of school activities and initiatives. Newsletters and updates are also an excellent way to showcase student achievements, teacher accomplishments, and school milestones.


Student Feedback Channels

Feedback channels, like digital suggestion boxes or anonymous surveys, allow students to participate in their education. This can empower them to voice their thoughts, concerns, and suggestions. They can report problems or challenges before they become serious issues.

This feeling of empowerment can boost their engagement and motivation. Regular feedback also helps teachers understand what works well and what doesn’t from the student’s perspective. They can use this information to improve learning.


Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms let schools share updates, news, and events with students, parents, and the community. Schools can use social media to update timely schedule changes, weather-related closures, or emergency information. This helps important messages reach everyone quickly.

Parents can also ask questions and engage with the school by responding to posts. Schools should use social media responsibly. They need to set clear guidelines, ensure privacy and security, and monitor interactions to prevent misuse.


School App Development

Creating a school app is a great way to improve communication among the school community. It provides one platform for students, parents, and staff to find important information like announcements, schedules, and school news.

Push notifications can quickly alert users to important updates such as emergency notices, schedule changes, or upcoming deadlines. This ensures everyone gets the information right away. Parents can use the app to check their child’s academic performance, attendance, and behaviour. It also lets parents talk to teachers and stay involved in their child’s education.