Home Wireless Communications How to Stay Secure on In-Flight WiFi Networks?

How to Stay Secure on In-Flight WiFi Networks?

For air travelers, in-flight WiFi networks have emerged as a convenient way to access the internet, stay connected, and be productive during their flights. Prior to the advent of in-flight WiFi networks, it wasn’t this easy to access the internet while flying thousands of feet in the air, but now you can get a subscription to an in-flight WiFi service, such as UnitedWiFi, and access the internet on the go.


While connecting to the internet while traveling by air is important for many people, it is necessary to prioritize your security while using these networks to protect your personal and sensitive information. Although airlines try their best to make these networks as secure as possible, these are public networks that are vulnerable to various threats, including hackers trying to gain unauthorized access to your data.


For all the air travelers who are worried about their security, worry not; we have got you covered. Below, we have discussed some tips and practices that will help you stay secure on in-flight WiFi networks.

Join the Legitimate Network Only

A common mistake that can be made by anyone is joining the wrong network. When connecting to an in-flight WiFi network, double-check that you are connecting to the legit network provided by the airline and not any malicious hotspot made by a hacker. Pay special attention to the network name (SSID) and credentials provided by the cabin crew and verify them with official announcements or staff.


Sometimes hackers set up an unsecured and malicious network to intercept your sensitive data or gain unauthorized access to data that you are sending across the network. Therefore, ensure that you are connecting to the legitimate wireless network provided by your airline and not any other one.

Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

If you want to stay secure on any public WiFi network, you should make it a habit to use a VPN. To safeguard your online activities and maintain your online privacy, using a VPN is recommended. A VPN encrypts your internet traffic and makes it difficult for hackers or anyone else to intercept your data or monitor your online activities. Even your ISP isn’t able to track your activities when you are using a VPN. So, the next time you are using an in-flight WiFi like AirCanadaWiFi or any other, set up a VPN and use it on your devices to stay secure on the network.

Be Cautious of Phishing Attempts

Phishing attacks are prevalent, and you should be cautious when connected to an in-flight WiFi network, as in-flight WiFi networks are no exception to phishing attacks. While you will be connected to an in-flight network, there are chances that you can receive emails, messages, attachments, or links from unknown people. You should exercise caution when clicking on links or attachments from unknown people.


Even if you do open a link or attachment, avoid sharing your personal information or sensitive information, such as banking credentials. Unless you are highly confident about the authenticity of the source, avoid engaging with unknown emails, messages, and links while you are on a plane.

Enable Firewall

A firewall can also keep you secure while on an in-flight network, and it is recommended that you use firewall protection. A firewall acts as a barrier between your device and potential threats by monitoring incoming and outgoing traffic. To keep yourself protected and secure on an in-flight network, enable and configure a firewall on your device to monitor the incoming and outgoing traffic. Any request that does not meet the firewall requirements is automatically blocked by the firewall. This helps you stay protected against unauthorized access.

Limit Sharing Sensitive Information

Whenever you are using an in-flight WiFi network, it is important that you be mindful of the information you share across the network and avoid sharing any personal or sensitive information, such as credit card details, banking credentials, social security numbers, etc. This should be the norm for all the public WiFi networks, not just in-flight WiFi networks.


Even if you have to share sensitive data, make sure that the website on which you are entering this data has the secure and encrypted HTTPS protocol.


Along with all of these aforementioned practices, stay vigilant and monitor your devices for any unusual or suspicious activity while they are connected to the in-flight network. If you notice any suspicious behavior, report it to the airlines. In-flight WiFi networks are generally safe to use, but it is better to take precautionary measures and be proactive to avoid any mishaps.

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