Home Space Hubble Network Makes History with First-Ever Bluetooth Connection to Satellite

Hubble Network Makes History with First-Ever Bluetooth Connection to Satellite

Space-enabled Bluetooth devices have the potential to revolutionize various industries, and Hubble Network is leading the way in this groundbreaking technology. By establishing a Bluetooth connection directly to a satellite, Hubble has achieved a significant milestone that could pave the way for connecting millions of devices worldwide.

Hubble, a Seattle-based startup, launched its first two satellites in March through SpaceX’s Transporter-10 ride-share mission. Since then, the company has successfully received signals from the onboard 3.5mm Bluetooth chips from over 600 kilometers away. This achievement validates the feasibility of using space-enabled Bluetooth technology on a large scale.

The applications for this technology are extensive. Hubble’s CEO, Alex Haro, highlights several potential markets that could benefit from space-enabled Bluetooth devices. These include logistics, cattle tracking, smart collars for pets, GPS watches for kids, car inventory management, construction site monitoring, and soil temperature tracking. Particularly in industries like remote asset monitoring for the oil and gas sector, where network coverage is crucial even once per day, Hubble’s technology holds immense value.

The simplicity of integrating devices with Hubble’s network is another factor that makes this technology attractive to potential customers. Once Hubble’s network is operational, users can integrate their devices’ chipsets with a firmware update to enable connection to the satellite network. This seamless integration process enhances the accessibility of the technology for various industries.

Hubble was founded in 2021 by Alex Haro, Ben Wild, and John Kim, who bring a wealth of experience in the tech and aerospace sectors. Haro admits that initially, he found the idea of connecting a Bluetooth chip to a satellite far-fetched. However, recognizing the demand for global connectivity and the limitations of existing IoT devices, the team saw an opportunity to revolutionize the industry.

To address the limitations of current Bluetooth-enabled devices, Hubble developed software that enables off-the-shelf Bluetooth chips to communicate over long distances with low power consumption. Additionally, they patented a phased array antenna that acts as a magnifying glass, allowing the off-the-shelf Bluetooth chips to communicate with the satellite. Overcoming challenges related to Doppler effects and frequency mismatches further enhanced the capabilities of Hubble’s technology.

Hubble’s progress is impressive, with plans to launch a third satellite in the near future. The company aims to launch a total of 36 satellites, forming its first “production constellation.” These satellites will offer connection opportunities with a Hubble satellite for approximately 2-3 hours per day from anywhere in the world. This global coverage is a significant advancement in IoT connectivity, opening doors for countless industries to leverage the benefits of space-enabled Bluetooth devices.

As Hubble continues to expand its satellite network, it will focus on sectors that require more frequent updates, such as soil monitoring or fall monitoring for the elderly. The scalability of Hubble’s constellation ensures that as demand increases, the technology can adapt to meet the evolving needs of various industries.

In conclusion, Hubble Network’s achievement of establishing a Bluetooth connection directly to a satellite marks a significant milestone in the development of space-enabled Bluetooth devices. The potential applications are vast, ranging from logistics and agriculture to healthcare and construction. By addressing the limitations of existing IoT devices and providing global connectivity, Hubble Network is poised to revolutionize industries worldwide. As the company expands its satellite network and launches additional satellites, the possibilities for innovation and transformative solutions will continue to grow.

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