Home ai Imec.xpand Launches $320M Fund to Drive Semiconductor and Nanotechnology Innovations

Imec.xpand Launches $320M Fund to Drive Semiconductor and Nanotechnology Innovations

Imec.xpand, a chip and nanotech-focused venture capital fund, has announced the launch of a new $320 million fund. The fund, based in Leuven, Belgium, will target innovations in semiconductors and nanotechnology. It aims to invest in startups that have the potential to disrupt their respective industries on a global scale.

Imec.xpand is unique in that it only invests in opportunities where it can significantly contribute to the success of the company. It seeks to remain involved as a significant shareholder throughout all the capital rounds. The fund invests globally across all startup stages, leveraging Imec’s researcher knowledge as needed.

The fund is focused on breakthrough technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR), and photonics. In the field of life sciences, Imec.xpand is looking for opportunities to advance cell therapy, sequencing, neuromodulation, and other medical applications.

According to Tom Vanhoutte, a partner at Imec.xpand, there is significant interest in AI, biotech semiconductors, quantum computing, and more. The funding amounts range from $15 million upwards. Imec.xpand is not afraid of technology risk, which sets it apart from other venture capital firms that may lack the technical background required for certain investments.

The first Imec.xpand fund was launched in 2017 with the support of Imec and has since attracted international financial and strategic investors. The fund has a strong track record of investing in game-changing companies and has invested in 23 companies that have raised nearly $1.6 billion in financing.

Imec.xpand’s portfolio companies are developing differentiated technologies that give them a global competitive advantage. Notable companies include Celestial AI, PsiQuantum, and Swave Photonics.

Imec.xpand’s combination of independent management, global reach, and scale, dedicated semiconductor focus, corporate and financially driven investors, and extensive support from Imec differentiates it from other venture capital initiatives. The fund considers investments worldwide, with the exception of China due to geopolitical tensions and U.S. restrictions.

Collaboration is a crucial aspect of the fund’s investment criteria. Imec.xpand looks for companies that require specialized expertise or ambitious roadmaps that they may not have in-house. The fund leverages its technical expertise for due diligence and to help startups get off the ground.

Imec.xpand has invested in holographic technology and various other categories involving deep technology research. While the U.S. often leads in tech, Europe also has strong technical minds, making the fund’s focus global. Government roles in funding are often more significant in Europe than in the U.S.

Imec.xpand’s launch of a new fund showcases its dedication to advancing the semiconductor industry and empowering startups to bring innovative technologies to market faster. With its venture capital and international network, Imec.xpand helps unicorns grow amid the global race for semiconductor supremacy.

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