
Increased Workload and Pressure Encountered by Game Journalists at Big Games Machine

blankThe world of game journalism is facing new challenges and pressures, according to a recent survey conducted by PR company Big Games Machine (BGM). The survey, which gathered responses from over 150 game journalists, highlighted several common pain points and concerns within the industry.

One of the main issues raised by the journalists was the increasing workload and lack of time to cover stories. Many expressed a desire to receive game review builds at least three weeks before launch to ensure they have enough time to properly play and analyze the game. This highlights the pressure journalists face to produce high-quality content within tight deadlines.

Another challenge mentioned by the participants was the overemphasis on SEO content. Journalists felt that they were being forced to prioritize search engine optimization over delivering meaningful and engaging stories. This focus on SEO-driven content can limit creativity and hinder the development of in-depth and thought-provoking articles.

Furthermore, insufficient pay was also identified as a major concern among game journalists. Many felt that their salaries did not accurately reflect the effort and expertise required for their work. In an industry that is constantly evolving and becoming more competitive, it is crucial for journalists to be fairly compensated for their contributions.

The survey also shed light on the perceived threat of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of game journalism. The majority of respondents expressed negative views on the impact of AI on their profession. While some journalists acknowledged that AI could be a useful tool if implemented ethically, others worried that it could exacerbate issues such as SEO farming and clickbait.

Interestingly, the survey revealed a decline in interest among journalists in covering blockchain game news. In a previous survey conducted by BGM, 75% of respondents stated that they would not cover such news. The most recent survey showed that this figure had risen to 87%. This decline in coverage reflects a shifting landscape within the gaming industry.

Despite these challenges, there were some positive outlooks expressed by the surveyed journalists. When asked about their job security and prospects for the next 12 months, many responded with neutral or slightly positive views. Some even suggested that game journalism would survive the “AI apocalypse” in the form of substacks and subscription-based, creator-owned outlets.

In conclusion, game journalists are facing increased workloads, pressure, and uncertainties in their profession. The survey conducted by Big Games Machine highlights the need for the industry to address these challenges and provide journalists with the necessary support and resources to thrive. By recognizing the importance of quality content, fair compensation, and ethical use of AI, the gaming industry can ensure the continued growth and success of game journalism.

– PR company Big Games Machine (BGM) game journalist survey