
Insights from Former PlayStation Boss: Shawn Layden Discusses the Turbulent Time in Gaming

blankShawn Layden, former boss of PlayStation, recently discussed the current state of the gaming industry in an interview. Layden, who now works as an adviser for various game companies, shared his insights on topics such as AI and blockchain games, the challenges facing the industry, and the need for more innovation and risk-taking.

One of the key points Layden made was the potential of blockchain technology in the gaming industry. He discussed the idea of creating a marketplace for used digital games, where the original creators would receive a percentage of each resale. This would provide a new revenue stream for developers and publishers and could change their perspective on the used game market. Layden also mentioned the possibility of using blockchain to create a second economy within games, where players could buy and sell in-game items and developers would receive a cut.

When it comes to the role of platforms in the future of gaming, Layden believes that the idea of battling platforms will become obsolete. He sees a shift happening where platforms will become less important, and new avenues and marketplaces will emerge. He mentioned the importance of startups and small innovative tech companies in driving these changes and solving problems that big companies may not address.

Layden also touched on the topic of layoffs in the gaming industry, which have been a major concern recently. He attributed these layoffs to a combination of factors, including the hiring spree that occurred during the pandemic and the mismatch between talent and requirements. However, he expressed optimism that the industry will recover, pointing out that layoffs are a lagging indicator and that there are still job openings and opportunities for growth.

In terms of game development, Layden emphasized the need for more variety and risk-taking. He highlighted the era of the PlayStation 2, where there was a wide range of games with different gameplay experiences. He believes that smaller bets on games with lower budgets can lead to innovation and new opportunities, rather than relying on copycats and sequels.

Overall, Layden’s insights provide valuable perspectives on the current challenges and opportunities in the gaming industry. His belief in the potential of blockchain technology, the importance of innovation and risk-taking, and the need for a more diverse range of games are all key takeaways from the interview. As the industry continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how these insights shape the future of gaming.