
Instagram Expands Notes Feature to Grid Posts and Reels, Allowing Users to Add Floating Bubbles with Customizable Audience

Instagram Expands Notes Feature to Grid Posts and Reels, Prompting Concerns About Privacy and Content Control

Instagram has recently introduced an update to its Notes feature, allowing users to add tiny floating bubbles on top of videos and photos. These Notes, which disappear in three days unless deleted, appear above comment sections and can be customized to have a specific audience. Users can choose who can see their Notes on posts, making it suitable for personal opinions or inside jokes that they may not want to appear in public comment sections.

However, this update also brings some concerns. The Verge reported that others can post Notes on your posts without your knowledge, potentially leading to conversations or tagging of friends. Additionally, there have been reports of both consensual and nonconsensual pornographic Reels surfacing on timelines, allegedly due to posts with added Notes receiving an algorithmic boost. There have also been instances of more content from strangers appearing on users’ feeds, possibly because of unseen connections with other followers or commenters.

These issues raise concerns about privacy and content control on Instagram. The app has been criticized in the past for recommending sexual content to minors via Reels, despite content control limits. The introduction of the Notes feature has further incentivized private engagement, which has some worried about the potential for online harassment or cyberbullying.

Instagram initially introduced Notes in 2022 as a way to encourage users to interact with their friends and followers beyond posts and stories. However, the feature was slow to gain popularity among users. To increase engagement, Instagram has added new music features and the ability to reply to Notes with follower prompts.

To use the new Notes feature on Reels, users can follow these steps:
1. Click on the airplane icon on the bottom left corner of the post.
2. Tap “Add Note” in the bottom left corner.
3. Type your Note.
4. Manage audience preferences by selecting the drop-down arrow next to “Share with.”
5. Hit share.

While Instagram’s expansion of the Notes feature offers new ways for users to engage with their audience, it also raises important questions about privacy, content control, and online safety. Users should be cautious about who can post on their posts and consider the potential risks associated with this feature. Instagram, on its part, should continue to improve its content moderation algorithms to prevent the surfacing of inappropriate or harmful content.