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International Network Established to Promote AI Safety and Collaboration

##The Importance of AI Safety

In a world increasingly reliant on artificial intelligence (AI) technology, ensuring its safety has become a global priority. Recognizing the need for collaboration and research in this field, the British government has announced a new agreement between 10 countries and the European Union to establish an international network dedicated to advancing AI safety science. This network, similar to the UK’s AI Safety Institute, will promote a common understanding of AI safety and align its work with research, standards, and testing.

##The AI Safety Summit in Seoul

To discuss AI safety, innovation, and inclusion, global leaders and leading AI companies recently convened at the AI Summit in Seoul. The summit, hosted by Britain and South Korea, emphasized the importance of international collaboration in building AI that prioritizes a “human-centric, trustworthy, and responsible” approach. The leaders’ discussions resulted in the broader Seoul Declaration, which emphasizes addressing major global issues, upholding human rights, and bridging digital gaps worldwide.

##The Role of the UK in AI Safety

The UK has been at the forefront of global efforts to ensure the safety of AI technology. Last year, it hosted the world’s first AI Safety Summit. UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak expressed his enthusiasm for the recent agreement to establish a network of AI Safety Institutes, stating that while AI is an exciting technology, its safety must be ensured to fully harness its benefits. The UK has also entered into a partnership memorandum of understanding with the US to collaborate on AI safety research, evaluation, and guidance.

##The World’s First AI Safety Commitments

In a significant step towards AI safety, 16 leading AI companies, including Amazon, Google, IBM, and Microsoft, have made the world’s first AI Safety Commitments. These commitments state that the companies will not develop or deploy AI models or systems if the associated risks cannot be mitigated below certain thresholds. This commitment to transparency and accountability in developing safe AI is a world first, with leading companies from different parts of the globe coming together to prioritize safety.


The establishment of an international network focused on AI safety and the commitments made by leading AI companies reflect the growing recognition of the importance of ensuring the safety of AI technology. By prioritizing a human-centric and responsible approach, collaboration between governments and industry leaders can help address global challenges, uphold human rights, and bridge digital gaps. As AI continues to advance, these safety measures will play a crucial role in ensuring its positive impact on society.

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