
Introducing Deci’s Latest Innovations: AI Development Platform and Compact Model Deci Nano

blankDeci, an Israeli startup, has recently made waves in the world of generative AI with its latest innovations. While OpenAI’s rival Anthropic has been grabbing headlines with its new Claude 3 family of large language models (LLMs), Deci has quietly been working on its own advancements.

In the fall of 2023, Deci released its DeciDiffusion and DeciLM 6B open source models, which were designed to be faster and require fewer compute resources than their original source models. Since then, Deci has continued to release new models, including DeciCoder and DeciDiffusion 2.0. However, some of these models, including DeciDiffusion 2.0, have been paused on Hugging Face.

Now, Deci is making a significant move by releasing a closed-source LLM called Deci-Nano. This model is even smaller and less computationally demanding than its predecessors, offering language understanding and reasoning with ultra-fast inference speed. Deci-Nano has been shown to outperform Mistral 7B-Instruct and Google’s Gemma 7B-it models.

One of the most impressive aspects of Deci-Nano is its affordability. Priced at $0.1 per 1 million tokens, it significantly undercuts the pricing of other models such as OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 Turbo and the new Claude 3 Haiku.

Deci’s CEO, Yonatan Geifman, explained that Deci-Nano embodies their production-oriented approach, focusing on efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The company is dedicated to maximizing compute power from existing GPUs.

While Deci-Nano remains closed source and its parameters have not been publicly disclosed, it has generated a lot of buzz around Deci’s new Gen AI Development Platform. This comprehensive solution aims to meet the efficiency and privacy needs of enterprises. It includes a series of proprietary, fine-tunable LLMs, an inference engine, and an AI inference cluster management solution.

The first proprietary model offered through the platform is Deci-Nano, but there are indications that Deci plans to offer more models in the future. The inference engine allows users to deploy Deci-Nano to their specifications, either connecting to Deci’s API and servers, running it on their own virtual private cloud, or deploying it on-premises.

Deci’s Gen AI Platform offers flexibility in deployment options, ensuring businesses can scale their AI solutions as their needs evolve. Customers can seamlessly transition between serverless instances for ease and scalability or dedicated instances for fine-tunability and enhanced privacy, without compromising on performance or security.

While pricing for the Gen AI Platform has not been publicly listed, Deci’s offerings have garnered attention for their affordability and superior capabilities. The company aims to unlock new possibilities for businesses seeking innovation without excessive costs.

Deci’s latest innovations mark a significant step in its evolution as a company. With its focus on efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and privacy, Deci is positioning itself as a competitor in the rapidly advancing field of generative AI. As the AI landscape continues to evolve, Deci’s developments will undoubtedly be worth keeping an eye on.

VentureBeat’s mission is to provide technical decision-makers with knowledge about transformative enterprise technology and transact. Their coverage of Deci’s latest innovations demonstrates their commitment to keeping readers informed about important developments in the AI industry.