
Introducing InGamePlay 3.0: A Revolutionary SDK for Mobile Game Developers

blankAdInMo, the player-centric monetization platform for mobile game developers, has announced the beta release of its InGamePlay software development kit (SDK) 3.0. This latest version builds on AdInMo’s existing technology, offering multi-format non-interruptive immersive advertising.

One of the standout features of InGamePlay 3.0 is the introduction of clickable in-game ads that are designed with the player experience in mind. The goal is to drive better monetization for free-to-play developers and higher engagement for advertisers. To achieve this, AdInMo has implemented the “InGamePlay Magnifier,” which spotlights an ad within the game environment to improve its viewability.

The SDK also includes customizable visual options, such as a glowing or pulsing placement border, to indicate to players whether an ad is clickable. Importantly, gameplay is not affected as the game is paused only when the player chooses to interact with the ad, seamlessly returning them to the game afterwards.

AdInMo has taken advantage of players’ familiarity with interactive objects in game worlds to integrate advertising in an immersive and non-disruptive way. By making clicks intentional and giving players the choice to engage with ads, AdInMo ensures that the advertising experience is valuable for both advertisers and developers.

Kristan Rivers, CEO of AdInMo, emphasizes the importance of finding a balance between generating revenue and providing an enjoyable experience for players. He states that their latest SDK offers a frictionless way to increase the effectiveness of in-game advertising without impacting the player experience, while also providing developers with more opportunities to monetize their games.

The InGamePlay 3.0 SDK utilizes AdInMo’s data-led PlayerPersonaFramework, enabling targeted advertising to the right player audiences with the right message. This could range from brand awareness campaigns to direct response or in-app campaigns using AdInMo’s new hybrid-monetization solutions.

Rivers believes that the games industry is moving towards a future where free-to-play games are dominated by hybrid-monetization models. AdInMo’s new clickable ad placements can already be used to advertise a developer’s portfolio in-game through their CrossPromo feature, and this is just the beginning of their hybrid monetization roll out this summer.

The new InGamePlay 3.0 SDK is currently in beta, with AdInMo aiming to provide game developers with innovative tools to maximize revenue while ensuring a positive player experience. By offering customizable options, intentional clicks, and targeted advertising, AdInMo is helping developers strike that delicate balance between monetization and player satisfaction.