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“Jack Dorsey’s Departure from Bluesky Board Raises Questions About Future of Open Protocols”

Bluesky, the open and decentralized social media initiative, seems to have experienced a significant change in its board composition. Jack Dorsey, the co-founder and former CEO of Twitter, who was considered the project’s most prominent backer, has announced that he is no longer on its board. This revelation came in response to a query on X, a social media platform, regarding grants for open protocols from Dorsey’s philanthropic Start Small initiative. When asked about his position on the Bluesky board, Dorsey simply replied with a brief “no,” without offering any further explanation for his departure.

The timing of Dorsey’s exit from the board remains uncertain. As of Sunday morning, Bluesky’s corporate Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page still listed Dorsey as a board member. To clarify the matter, we have reached out to the company for confirmation.

Dorsey initially unveiled Bluesky in 2019 while he was still the CEO of Twitter. In a statement, he mentioned that Twitter, which is now referred to as X, would be funding a small team of open-source architects, engineers, and designers to develop a standard for social media that is open and decentralized. Since then, Bluesky has transitioned into an independent public benefit corporation, headed by CEO Jay Graber, with support from venture capitalists. The initiative opened its doors to the general public in February.

While Dorsey’s departure from Bluesky’s board has only recently been acknowledged publicly, it appears that he deleted his Bluesky account sometime last year. However, this action did not diminish his association with the project, as he continued to be recognized as its most prominent figure.

Shifting gears to his activities on X, Dorsey has been quite active over the weekend. In addition to sharing corporate updates, he also weighed in on the ongoing feud between Drake and Kendrick Lamar. Furthermore, Dorsey unfollowed almost all other accounts on the platform. His most notable post read, “don’t depend on corporations to grant you rights. defend them yourself using freedom technology. (you’re on one).” This statement aligns with his long-standing advocacy for decentralized and user-centric platforms.

The departure of Jack Dorsey from the Bluesky board raises several questions and prompts speculation about the future direction of the initiative. While the exact reasons for his exit are unknown, it is possible that Dorsey’s vision for Bluesky may have diverged from that of the other board members or stakeholders. The absence of further information from Dorsey himself leaves room for speculation and curiosity among those closely following the project.

Bluesky’s journey towards creating an open and decentralized standard for social media continues with Jay Graber at the helm. The project’s transition into an independent public benefit corporation and its recent opening to the general public indicate a commitment to advancing its mission. As Bluesky evolves, it will be interesting to see how it navigates the challenges and opportunities presented by the ever-changing social media landscape.

In conclusion, Jack Dorsey’s departure from the Bluesky board marks a significant development in the initiative’s story. While the reasons for his exit remain unclear, it is evident that Bluesky is moving forward under new leadership. With its focus on an open and decentralized social media standard, Bluesky aims to shape the future of digital communication. As users, we can anticipate exciting developments and potentially transformative changes in the social media landscape as Bluesky progresses towards its goals.

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