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Larry “Major Nelson” Hryb Guides Midwest Games through the Challenges of the Gaming Industry

Larry “Major Nelson” Hryb, known for his long career at Xbox, is now making waves in the gaming industry as an advisor to Midwest Games, a Green Bay-based publisher. After announcing his departure from Xbox last year, Hryb was approached by Ben Kvalo, the CEO of Midwest Games, who shared his vision for the company. Impressed by the team and the games they had signed up, Hryb couldn’t resist the opportunity to be a part of this new venture.

Despite moving from one of the biggest companies in the world to a smaller one, Hryb finds the experience refreshing. Drawing on his 23 years of experience at Microsoft and working with independent developers, he appreciates the ability to solve problems quickly and efficiently at Midwest Games. He reminisces about the early days at Xbox when small groups of people worked together to get things done, and he sees a similar spirit at Midwest Games.

Hryb’s expertise and guidance extend to various aspects of the business, including the digital landscape, PR, communications, strategy, and technology. With the democratization of game development, where anyone can create a playable demo with tools like Unity, rising above the crowded market becomes a challenge for independent developers. Hryb believes that Midwest Games has found some quality games with potential that might otherwise go unnoticed, and he is determined to help make them stand out.

When asked about exciting games in Midwest Games’ portfolio, Hryb finds it difficult to choose favorites. Each game offers a unique experience, from collaborative play in Ra Ra Boom to individual challenges in Duck Paradox and the relaxing ambiance of Lullaby of Life. The team at Midwest Games focuses on portfolio management to ensure that each game shines and stands out from the rest.

Comparing the triple-A space with independent games, Hryb believes that the latter is a healthier segment of the industry. The increasing cost and scope of triple-A games, coupled with the pressure to perform, make it unsustainable in recent years. Hryb is more interested in the independent games, reminiscent of independent films, which offer creative freedom and unique experiences.

Leaving behind his celebrity status at Xbox, Hryb is embracing new challenges and striving to help others succeed. While his time at Xbox will always hold a special place in his memory, he is now focused on supporting developers and witnessing their success. With years of experience attending PAX events around the world, Hryb recognizes the vibrant and diverse indie scene in each region, a testament to the creativity and innovation within the gaming industry.

Larry Hryb’s involvement with Midwest Games brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the company. As an advisor, he contributes to solving problems, finding ways to make games stand out in a crowded market, and supporting the growth of independent developers. With Hryb’s guidance and the passionate team at Midwest Games, the future looks bright for this Green Bay-based publisher.

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