Home Tech LinkedIn Launches Expert AI: Chat with Career Experts for Personalized Guidance

LinkedIn Launches Expert AI: Chat with Career Experts for Personalized Guidance

LinkedIn is revolutionizing the way professionals seek career advice with its new tool called Expert AI. This innovative coaching tool allows users to chat with customized chatbots based on various career experts and “LinkedIn-fluencers.” The tool is currently being piloted with renowned coaches Alicia Reece, Anil Gupta, Dr Gemma Leigh Roberts, and Lisa Gates, who can provide guidance on a wide range of topics including relationship management, global business strategy, well-being, and career development.

To create the chatbots, LinkedIn collaborated closely with the instructors to ensure that the AI-powered responses were authentic to their teaching style and aligned with their expertise. The instructors provided content from LinkedIn Learning courses, posts on LinkedIn, blogs, newsletters, and coaching manuals to train the chatbots. LinkedIn has also introduced a royalty model to compensate the instructors for their work.

The pilot phase of Expert AI allows users to ask instructors questions such as “how do I negotiate my salary” or “how do I build a growth mindset?” The tool then provides tailored advice to help users develop a growth-centric mindset. LinkedIn has been continuously introducing new tools and features to keep users engaged on the platform and support their career goals. These include Wordle-esque games and short-form videos for the influencer community.

LinkedIn has been investing heavily in AI-powered tools for recruiting and career development. They have utilized generative AI to find job candidates, implemented automated messaging systems, developed content summarizing AI, and created a general AI-coaching tool. The coaching tool is currently available to LinkedIn Premium users and those with access to the LinkedIn Recruiter and Learning Hub.

While Expert AI is still in pilot mode, its potential impact on the professional development landscape is undeniable. By leveraging the knowledge and expertise of renowned career experts and influencers, LinkedIn aims to provide users with valuable insights and guidance to enhance their careers. Whether it’s negotiating a salary increase or cultivating a growth mindset, Expert AI has the potential to become a go-to resource for professionals seeking career advice.

As LinkedIn continues to refine and expand its AI-powered tools, it’s evident that the platform is committed to empowering its users and facilitating their professional growth. With Expert AI, professionals can tap into the wisdom of industry experts and receive personalized guidance, making it an exciting time to embrace the #growthmindset and take control of one’s career journey.

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