
Major Video Game Consoles Remove X/Twitter Integrations in Latest Updates

## The Decline of X Integration in Major Video Game Consoles

### Introduction
Before Elon Musk acquired Twitter and rebranded it as X, the social media platform had a thriving developer ecosystem with third-party companies integrating it into their products. However, since Musk took over, the developer landscape has changed significantly. One evident shift is the removal of X integration from major video game consoles like Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation, and Microsoft Xbox.

### Microsoft’s Decision
Microsoft was the first console manufacturer to announce the removal of X integration in April 2023. While the company did not provide a specific reason for this move, it coincided with Musk’s changes to X’s API pricing tiers. Under Musk’s leadership, X started charging exorbitant fees for API access, making the previously generous free tier practically useless.

### Sony Follows Suit
Following Microsoft’s lead, Sony also decided to remove X integration from its Playstation consoles in November of the same year. Similarly, Sony did not explicitly state the reason behind this decision, but it aligns with the API pricing changes implemented by X. The high costs associated with accessing X’s API likely played a role in Sony’s choice.

### Nintendo’s Decision
Nintendo was the only major video game console that still had X integration. However, in May 2024, Nintendo announced that it would be dropping X integration from its Switch console as well. This decision came as no surprise given the pattern established by Microsoft and Sony. Nintendo officially removed X integrations from its Nintendo Switch through an update on June 10, 2024.

### Removal of X Integrations
In the official update notes, Nintendo outlined the changes made for the discontinuation of X integration. Users can no longer choose the “Post to Twitter” option when sharing from the Album in the Nintendo Switch HOME menu. Additionally, the option to link to X under “Posting to Social Media” in the User Settings menu has been removed. A specific X integration for the game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, which allowed users to post gameplay screenshots directly to X, has also been eliminated.

### The Reason behind the Removal
While Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft have not explicitly stated why they removed X integrations, there is a clear correlation between these actions and X’s API pricing changes under Musk’s leadership. The companies likely found the new API pricing plans, starting at $42,000 per month for Enterprise API access, to be unaffordable for their customer base. Paying hundreds of thousands of dollars a month to X for the ability to let their users post gaming content directly from the console to social media was not a viable option.

### Nintendo’s Decision-Making Process
X claims to have worked with Nintendo throughout the process of removing the integrations. However, Nintendo ultimately made the product decision to remove X integration despite their collaboration. This suggests that Nintendo weighed the costs of API access against the value it provided to their users and determined that removing X integration was the best course of action.

### Alternative Methods for Sharing Content
For gamers who still want to share content on X, they will need to save their gameplay screenshots or footage and transfer them to a computer or mobile device before posting to X. While this adds an extra step, it allows gamers to continue sharing their content on X without relying on direct console integration.

In conclusion, the removal of X integration from major video game consoles like Nintendo Switch, Sony Playstation, and Microsoft Xbox is a direct result of Musk’s changes to X’s API pricing tiers. The high costs associated with API access made it impractical for these companies to maintain the integrations. Despite working together with X, Nintendo ultimately decided to remove the integrations, forcing gamers to find alternative methods for sharing their content on X.