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Melinda French Gates Resigns from Philanthropy Organization, Pledges $12.5 Billion to Support Women and Families

Melinda French Gates, co-founder of the Gates Foundation and ex-wife of Bill Gates, recently announced her resignation from the philanthropy organization. While her departure may not come as a surprise following her divorce from Gates in 2021, what is remarkable is that she stayed with the organization for as long as she did. The couple had agreed to a two-year trial period to see if they could continue working together, and they exceeded that period by nearly a year.

French Gates stated that she will be leaving the organization next month with an additional $12.5 billion, which she plans to dedicate to her lifelong work on behalf of women and families. This decision aligns with her ongoing efforts to address the mistreatment of women in the tech industry. A recent McKinsey report revealed that more than half of women engineers in tech leave their companies due to the industry’s infamous “bro culture” and mistreatment.

The tech industry has long been associated with a toxic work environment characterized by a “brilliant jerk” atmosphere, which is detrimental to both men and women. Legendary founders like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs have been known for their harsh and impatient behavior, perpetuating this culture. Women in tech often face microaggressions, such as being spoken over during meetings or being asked to perform menial tasks. They also receive less support, are more likely to be laid off, and less likely to be promoted.

The experiences of women in the tech industry can be deeply bruising. Stories of exclusion and belittlement are shared on platforms like Reddit’s r/womenintech, where members discuss the perpetual boys club that hinders their career growth and takes a toll on their mental health. However, it’s important to note that men also express their dissatisfaction with the industry culture, highlighting the need for change.

Melinda French Gates has been actively working to address these issues since 2017 through her organization, Pivotal Ventures. Pivotal Ventures is a multifaceted initiative that invests in other VC funds, advocates for change, and supports various causes related to women’s empowerment. French Gates aims to tackle the systemic barriers that hinder women’s progress, including body autonomy, investing in women-led startups, family leave policies, mental health, diversity in tech, and political representation.

In light of French Gates’ dedication to empowering women and improving corporate culture, it’s worth considering what more can be done. One suggestion is the implementation of an employee bill of rights that eliminates draconian contracts prevalent in the tech industry. These contracts restrict employees’ ability to speak out about their experiences at work, whether positive or negative. By removing non-disclosure and non-disparagement clauses, individuals would be free to share their stories without fear of retribution.

Additionally, the secrecy surrounding employee pay should be abolished. Greater transparency in this area would empower women and all employees to ensure fair compensation. These changes may seem like a lot to ask from one person, but someone as influential as Melinda French Gates can exert pressure and drive change within corporate structures.

If you have any information about harsh tech company or startup cultures, you can contact Julie Bort, a journalist covering these issues, through various channels. By shedding light on these experiences, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and supportive work environment for everyone.

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