
Meta Removes Covert Influence Profiles on Facebook Tied to AI Disinformation Activities

Meta Platforms Inc., the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, has recently taken action against hundreds of Facebook profiles engaged in covert influence activities tied to various countries including China, Israel, Iran, and Russia. These profiles were found to be utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) to spread misleading information and divert users away from legitimate content.

In its quarterly risk report, Meta revealed that threat actors have been using AI to generate fake words, images, and videos on its platforms. These disinformation operations aim to undermine the credibility of Meta’s content. Despite this, Meta assured that its implementation of generative AI has not hindered its ability to combat such networks.

The report highlighted the involvement of a Chinese network and an Israeli network in these malicious activities. The Chinese network used AI-generated images to promote a fictitious pro-Sikh movement, while the Israeli network posted AI-generated remarks praising Israel’s defense forces. However, both networks were swiftly removed before gaining significant traction.

During a press event, David Agranovich, Meta’s policy director for threat disruption, acknowledged that while machine learning is not currently being used in sophisticated ways, these inherently antagonistic networks are continuously developing new tactics. This is particularly concerning as Meta prepares for the 2024 election season, with elections taking place in over thirty countries, including the United States, India, and Brazil.

To address these challenges, Nick Clegg, President of Meta’s Worldwide Affairs, emphasized the need for industry standards regarding watermarking. Meta is actively working on developing tools to detect and categorize images created by AI systems from companies like Google and OpenAI. By stamping images with visible and invisible tags, Meta aims to detect fraudulent AI-generated content rather than simply removing it.

However, it is worth noting that while Facebook and Instagram require advertisers to disclose the use of AI in political advertisements related to social issues or elections, they do not fact-check political advertisements generated by political celebrities.

In the larger tech landscape, Nvidia is poised to overtake Apple as the world’s second-most valuable company, further highlighting the continued growth and influence of AI technology in various industries.

As Meta Platforms Inc. takes proactive measures to combat AI-powered disinformation networks, it remains crucial for users to exercise critical thinking and verify the authenticity of content they encounter online.