Home Tech Microsoft Bing Partners with StopNCII to Combat Nonconsensual Intimate Images (NCII) Abuse

Microsoft Bing Partners with StopNCII to Combat Nonconsensual Intimate Images (NCII) Abuse

How Microsoft Bing is Tackling Intimate Image Abuse with New Partnership

Microsoft Bing has made significant strides in combating the spread of nonconsensual intimate image (NCII) abuse on its search engine. In a recent announcement, the company revealed its partnership with victim advocacy tool StopNCII, a platform run by UK nonprofit SWGfl and the Revenge Porn Helpline. This collaboration aims to enhance Bing’s user-reporting system by incorporating a more victim-centered approach and a comprehensive detection process.

Bing’s Enhanced Detection Process

Microsoft’s new system utilizes StopNCII’s database to immediately flag and prevent the appearance of intimate images in Bing search results. By supplementing user reports with advanced detection techniques, Bing can proactively identify and remove explicit images. According to Microsoft, they have already taken action on 268,000 explicit images based on the pilot program that ran through August.

StopNCII’s Hashing Technology

StopNCII offers individuals the ability to create and add digital fingerprints, also known as hashes, to intimate images. These hashes act as unique identifiers, allowing platforms to track and remove images as they appear on certain websites and social media platforms. Bing is the first search engine to join the partner coalition, recognizing the important role search engines play as gateways for finding images.

Google’s Similar Efforts

Google, another major player in the search engine industry, has also been working to address the appearance of deepfake and nonconsensual real images in its search results. Over the past year, the company has been revamping its search ranking system to lower explicit synthetic content and replace it with high-quality, non-explicit content like news articles. Google has also streamlined its reporting and review process to expedite the removal of such content.

However, unlike Bing, Google has yet to join forces with StopNCII and utilize their hashing technology. By doing so, search engines could play a more proactive role in protecting the wellbeing of individuals affected by intimate image abuse.

Microsoft’s Commitment to User Safety

Microsoft has a track record of taking user safety seriously and implementing measures to combat various forms of abuse. They have reporting processes in place for both nonconsensual deepfake content and real-images based NCII abuse. Additionally, Microsoft has strict conduct policies against intimate extortion, commonly known as sextortion.

Earlier this year, Microsoft provided StopNCII with its in-house PhotoDNA technology, a fingerprinting tool used to detect and remove child sexual abuse material. This demonstrates Microsoft’s dedication to leveraging technology to combat the spread of harmful content and protect vulnerable individuals.

How to Report Intimate Images with StopNCII

If you believe your explicit or non-explicit image is at risk of being released or manipulated by malicious actors, you can use StopNCII’s platform to add your own fingerprint for future detection. The process is simple and doesn’t require you to upload or store personal photos or videos on the site. Here’s how it works:

1. Visit StopNCII.org.
2. Click on “Create your case” in the top right corner.
3. Follow the personalized prompts to provide information about the content of the image or video.
4. Select photos or videos from your device’s photo library. StopNCII will scan the content and create hashes for each image.
5. The hashes will be sent to participating platforms, enabling them to track and remove the images. No actual images or videos will be shared.
6. Save your case number to check if your image or video has been detected online.

Support for Victims

If you have had intimate images shared without your consent, it’s essential to seek support and assistance. The Cyber Civil Rights Initiative offers a 24/7 hotline at 844-878-2274, providing free and confidential support. Their website also contains helpful information and a list of international resources for victims of intimate image abuse.

In conclusion, Microsoft Bing’s partnership with StopNCII represents a significant step forward in combating intimate image abuse. By utilizing advanced detection techniques and incorporating victim-centered approaches, Bing is taking proactive measures to protect individuals and prevent the spread of explicit content. As search engines play a crucial role in image discovery, it is crucial for other platforms to follow suit and join forces with organizations like StopNCII to ensure the wellbeing of those affected by intimate image abuse.

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