
Mill’s Redesigned Food Waste Bin: A New and Improved Solution for Sustainable Waste Management

Mill has redesigned its food waste bin, and the improvements are significant. The bin still accepts a wide variety of food waste, but now it grinds and dries it to a consistency that resembles chunky coffee grounds. These grounds can be used as garden soil, spread on lawns, or even shipped back to Mill and offered to farmers as chicken feed. The environmental impact is impressive, with a household using the bin able to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about half a ton annually.

One of the major changes in the new bin is its speed and efficiency. The previous version sometimes took almost a day to complete a cycle of drying and grinding the food waste. However, the new bin finishes its cycle by morning, making it much more convenient for users. It is also significantly quieter, no longer disrupting evening TV viewing.

The design process for the new bin was guided by the goal of completing each cycle before breakfast. The team at Mill used a year’s worth of data to inform their design decisions. Visually, the changes are subtle, but they make a big difference in performance. For example, the augers that grind the waste are now vertical instead of horizontal, allowing for easier clearing and eliminating unwanted noises.

Machine learning algorithms were also used to reduce cycle times. The software is now smarter about how long each cycle needs to run based on data gathered over the past year. Additionally, sensors in the bin can differentiate between different food weights and humidity levels, helping optimize drying cycles.

The fans have been completely redesigned to be quieter and reduce noise escape from the unit. However, one feature that was removed from the new bin is the power-activated lid. User testing revealed that people preferred the mechanical lid, finding it more intuitive.

The only drawback of the new bin is its price, which is $360 per year. While this may seem expensive compared to curbside compost services, Mill’s bin is a great option for households without access to composting services or for those who dislike the associated smells. The price has been reduced by 10% compared to the previous version, and there may be potential for subsidies in the future. Currently, Mill has deals with Pittsburgh and Tacoma, Washington.

In conclusion, Mill’s redesigned food waste bin is a significant improvement over its predecessor. The faster cycle times, quieter operation, and smarter software make it a convenient and efficient option for households looking to reduce their environmental impact. While the price may be a deterrent for some, it remains an excellent choice for those without access to composting services or with odor concerns.