
New Beauty Technologies You Need to Know About in 2024

A common New Year’s resolution is a commitment to up our skincare routine game, but with so many products on the market, it can be tricky even knowing where to start. A quick run-down of 2024’s biggest news in the world of beauty technologies and treatments could help focus your efforts and prepare for the year ahead. From extra virgin olive oil to epigenetic skincare, below you’ll find details of what are sure to be the most-talked-about treatments of the year.


The Role of AI

AI (artificial intelligence) is set to continue redefining the landscape of the beauty industry in 2024. Beauty brands are already deploying skin analysis algorithms to create personalized products and skincare routines, and as the year progresses, new tech will allow a tailored approach to be used in the domains of hair care, cosmetics, and nails, too.

The combined approach of advanced AI tools with the input of human experts is the direction of travel. Beauty platforms are now able to automatically recommend a tailored skincare routine via algorithms while also putting the visitor in touch with a dermatologist according to their needs. AI is even being used to help with the early detection of skin conditions, such as melanoma, pointing to the holistic approach that a human-AI approach facilitates.


Back to Ancient Beauty Roots: The Magic of Olive Oil

Hardly a new beauty treatment, olive oil has been used for centuries for its skin-loving properties – but this year, it’s set to experience a resurgence. This is in line with a growing shift to organic and traditional skin care practices and processes, which will go hand-in-hand with the latest tech innovations in the beauty industry. It’s all about simplicity and purity when it comes to facial treatments for aging skin. Olive oil is rich in antioxidants, meaning, when applied to the skin, can help combat oxidative stress, and may also increase collagen in the skin – both of these things are great for reducing the signs of aging.

Choose moisturizers, soaps, and lotions that contain olive oil to make the most of its benefits. Alternatively, simply apply a thin layer of extra virgin olive oil after your usual moisturizer and before applying sunscreen or makeup. It can be effectively used as a cleanser, too.

There are some possible side effects to be aware of, however. Olive oil may irritate the skin or cause an excess of oiliness, leading to clogged pores and breakouts. Some research has suggested that applying olive oil to the skin may break the skin’s barrier, which could lead to sensitive skin and dermatitis. The bottom line? Olive oil can be a magical beauty treatment – but use it with care. A spot check is recommended before applying it to a larger area.


AI-Infused Lip Care

Devices have recently come onto the market that combine lip care with a personal virtual makeup consultant! Precision sensors in the cap detect skin condition and moisture levels when lightly brushed over the lips. The applicator then emits a visible light beam based on the results it’s detected. This beam boosts natural collagen, creates a custom shade, and forms a moisturizing barrier.

These types of products are likely to be the first in a stream of innovative solutions that offer bespoke care and analysis –  and go beyond that by also acting as cosmetics. This effectively bundles two solutions into one: you get a product recommendation and then the product itself in one package.


Epigenetic Skincare

There’s a new skincare technology trend coming your way in 2024: epigenetic skincare. This approach focuses on elements in our individual DNA that cause skin aging, such as the breakdown of collagen. Doing so means that skin functions as it did when we were younger.

This technology is being used to create skincare formulas incorporating active ingredients designed to ‘correct’ gene expression and keep our skin looking younger for longer. Such treatments are a clever workaround for an annoying biological system and will pave the way for an anticipated trend toward beauty technologies based on epigenetics in general.


The Takeaway: High-Tech Solutions Meet Traditional Treatments

One of the key features of the emerging 2024 beauty technology trends is the fusion of ultra-high-tech solutions and tools with back-to-our-roots traditional treatments. Long-prized substances such as extra virgin olive oil will take center stage, as will a highly personalized level of care and advice. This is set to sit seamlessly beside epigenetic-based treatments and futuristic products that’ll use AI to analyze our skin and then create custom shades to apply. It’s a changing world, for sure – but it’s guaranteed to be a beautiful one.