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New findings reveal a shift towards gaming among entertainment enthusiasts, as per fandom study


The Shift Towards Gaming: A New Trend Among Entertainment Enthusiasts

In a recent study conducted by Fandom, it has been revealed that there is a significant shift in the preferences of entertainment enthusiasts. People are moving away from traditional forms of entertainment consumption, such as watching movies and TV shows, and are instead embracing gaming as their top choice for entertainment. This shift presents new opportunities for brands and companies to reach this growing audience.

According to the Fandom Inside Entertainment report, 67% of fans are still spending the same or more time consuming content or playing video games. However, their behavior is changing, with 33% of fans spending less time on cable or in theaters. The number one activity that they are switching to is gaming, with a staggering 59% of fans preferring this form of entertainment.

Stephanie Fried, CMO of Fandom, emphasizes that this shift does not mean an abandonment of traditional entertainment. Instead, she highlights the symbiotic relationship between gaming and traditional mediums. While gaming serves as the primary activity for entertainment fans, watching TV shows and movies is the preferred choice for gamers seeking a break from gaming. This interplay between the two mediums showcases their interconnected nature and the potential for joint endeavors.

The study also introduces a new audience segment called “Switchers.” These individuals are transitioning away from traditional entertainment consumption and embracing activities like gaming, social media engagement, reading, and hobbies. For entertainment companies, this presents an opportunity to re-engage audiences through innovative content strategies, such as book-to-game or book-to-film adaptations.

The Inside Entertainment study also offers valuable insights for advertisers and marketers. It encourages them to view gaming as a friend rather than a foe and emphasizes the importance of targeting Switchers. Developing niche gaming strategies can help drive viewer engagement and retention while catering to the distinct desires of specific audience segments.

Outside of gaming, Switchers are also spending their time on social media, reading, and pursuing hobbies. With 56% of the Switcher audience spending time reading, there is a chance to re-engage this audience through new content strategies, like book-to-game or book-to-film adaptations. This presents an exciting opportunity for brands to tap into this market and pull them back into the entertainment ecosystem.

The report also highlights the preferences of drama fans who also game. These individuals gravitate towards genres like Role-Playing (RPG), Adventure, Simulation, Sandbox/Open World, and Puzzle. Gaming has proven to be a medium that caters to the emotional needs of fans, offering a more interactive and engaging experience compared to movies and TV shows. Gamers feel a sense of accomplishment and control when playing video games, and they also feel more invested in the storylines.

In conclusion, the Fandom study reveals a significant shift towards gaming among entertainment enthusiasts. While traditional forms of entertainment are still popular, gaming has emerged as the top choice for many fans. This shift presents new opportunities for brands and companies to engage with this growing audience and develop innovative content strategies. By understanding the preferences of different audience segments and embracing the interconnected nature of gaming and traditional entertainment, companies can strengthen fan connections and deliver incremental engagement.

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