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“Nissan’s Solid-State Battery Technology: Double the Range at Half the Size and Weight”

Nissan, the manufacturer known for introducing the first mainstream electric cars, is now poised to revolutionize the industry once again. The company is developing solid-state battery technology that promises to double the range of electric vehicles while reducing costs. This breakthrough could potentially make EVs more accessible to a wider range of consumers.

Solid-state batteries are highly anticipated due to their potential to deliver the same range as conventional batteries but at half the size and weight. Nissan’s all-solid-state battery (ASSB) pilot production line, currently under construction at its Yokohama plant, aims to bring ASSB-equipped production EVs to market by 2028.

Nissan’s track record in electric vehicle innovation gives us reason to believe in the potential of their solid-state battery technology. When Nissan unveiled its groundbreaking Leaf in 2009, it was evident that they had invested significant time and effort into battery development. Engineers had been working on the technology for 17 years prior to the Leaf’s launch. The battery pack showcased during the unveiling consisted of 48 modules made up of cells approximately the size of an A4 envelope.

The key difference between conventional lithium-ion batteries and solid-state lithium-ion cells lies in the electrolyte. In solid-state batteries, the electrolyte is solid rather than liquid, making them safer and more energy-dense. The solid electrolyte also serves as a separator, eliminating the need for additional safety components.

Nissan’s ASSB technology has the potential to significantly reduce the cost of manufacturing EVs. The company predicts that by 2028, battery costs could be reduced to £60 per kWh, and even lower thereafter. This cost reduction would put the manufacturing cost of an electric vehicle on par with that of a petrol or diesel car.

The construction of the ASSB pilot production line will allow Nissan to refine the manufacturing processes and study prototype batteries. This investment in research and development demonstrates Nissan’s commitment to advancing electric vehicle technology and making EVs more affordable and accessible for consumers.

In conclusion, Nissan’s solid-state battery technology has the potential to revolutionize the electric vehicle industry. By doubling the range of EVs and reducing manufacturing costs, Nissan aims to make electric vehicles a viable option for a wider range of consumers. With their track record of innovation and commitment to research and development, Nissan is well-positioned to lead the way in the next phase of electric vehicle evolution.

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