
Play Retro Games on your iPhone with Apple’s Updated App Store Guidelines

Apple has updated its App Store guidelines to allow the hosting of retro game emulators on iOS devices, a move that has delighted developers and gamers alike. This change means that users no longer need to jailbreak their iPhones or rely on sketchy software to enjoy retro games; they can now easily access sophisticated emulators through the App Store.

The Vindication of Riley Testut:
One developer who is particularly pleased with this policy shift is Riley Testut, the creator of GBA4iOS. Testut developed this Game Boy Advance emulator a decade ago while he was still in high school. However, at that time, users had to sideload the app through a loophole, which Apple eventually closed. As a result, GBA4iOS was rendered obsolete. Now, with Apple’s updated guidelines, Testut has released a new emulator called Delta, which has quickly soared to the top of the App Store charts.

The Reasons Behind Apple’s Shift:
The question arises: why has Apple had a change of heart almost 10 years later? It is likely due to a combination of factors. Firstly, changing laws in the European Union may have exerted pressure on Apple to revise its policies. Additionally, as Apple faces growing criticism for its monopolistic tendencies, it may have felt compelled to make this move in an attempt to dispel such accusations.

Downloading Delta and Obtaining Games:
To enjoy retro games on their iPhones, users simply need to download the Delta emulator from the App Store. Gone are the days of jailbreaking or sideloading apps. However, obtaining games can be a bit trickier. Users who prefer to follow the rules can utilize tools like Epilogue’s GB Operator to rip .ROM files from their existing Game Boy games. It is important to note, however, that downloading .ROM files can be considered piracy and is not condoned.

Legal Methods of Transferring .ROM Files:
Users who have legally obtained .ROM files can transfer them to their iPhones through various methods. They can upload the files to Google Drive and add them to their iPhone’s files folder, or they can email the files to themselves and download them directly. The key is to choose the most convenient method for accessing the desired .GBA file.

Compatibility and Opening Games in Delta:
It is worth mentioning that GBA4iOS only supports certain file types. If the game is in a .ZIP or .7Z file format, users will need to unzip it first. This can easily be done using apps like iZip, which is also available for free in the App Store. Once the files are ready, users can open Delta and import their games from either iTunes or their files folder.

Expanding Gaming Possibilities:
While some users may simply be interested in reliving their favorite childhood games, it is important not to overlook the ROM hacking communities. These communities have been modding retro games for decades and can create professional-quality patches for .ROM files, resulting in entirely new gaming experiences. However, it is advisable to perform the patching process on a computer for optimal results. With Delta now available on the App Store, gamers have a world of possibilities at their fingertips.

Apple’s decision to allow retro game emulators on the App Store has brought joy to developers like Riley Testut, whose GBA4iOS was previously sidelined due to Apple’s policies. The change in guidelines may have been prompted by legal pressure and criticism of Apple’s monopolistic behavior. Users can now download the Delta emulator without the need for jailbreaking or sideloading. While obtaining games legally is essential, users should be cautious about piracy. Transferring .ROM files to iPhones can be done through Google Drive or email, and compatibility issues can be resolved by unzipping files with apps like iZip. With Delta, users can relive their favorite classic games or explore new gaming experiences through ROM hacking communities. Apple’s embrace of retro game emulators has unlocked a world of gaming possibilities for iOS users.