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“Predecessor: The Story of Reviving Epic Games’ Paragon and Launching a Unique MOBA”

Robbie Singh, the CEO of Omeda Studios, has brought a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game back from the dead. After Epic Games decided to stop making its MOBA game Paragon, Singh rallied the community and bought the game. He renamed it Predecessor and spent years developing and improving it with the help of the community. Today, Predecessor is officially launching on PC, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.

Singh and his team at Omeda Studios have been diligently working to improve Predecessor based on community feedback since its open beta in March 2024. They have added new content and features, including the highly requested Ranked Mode and the action-packed Brawl Mode. The game now has more than 35 playable characters, including 30 unique Heroes. It is also the only Unreal Engine 5 MOBA, offering high-resolution graphics.

One of the unique aspects of Predecessor is its emphasis on third-person gameplay, which appeals to console gamers. The game blends the core mechanics of a MOBA with those of a third-person shooter/brawler. It also features a lot of verticality, allowing players to fly, jump over walls, and utilize 3D terrain. These elements set Predecessor apart from other MOBA games in terms of gameplay and graphics fidelity.

Singh emphasized the importance of transparency and community engagement in the game’s development. As an influencer himself, he learned the value of being open and honest with the community. Omeda Studios regularly communicates with the community through blogs and shares game data through an API. The passionate community of Predecessor players has organized their own tournaments and actively creates content to help new players.

Despite facing challenges as a first-time game developer, such as console development, Singh and his team have successfully raised $22 million in funding and attracted over 2 million players. The game has seen success on consoles, particularly on PlayStation, where it has a dedicated and engaged user base.

Looking ahead, Omeda Studios has plans to continue improving Predecessor based on player feedback. They have a roadmap that includes marketing beats, events, and the release of new heroes and skins. The studio values player input and aims to build what the community wants.

In terms of competition, Predecessor competes against other multiplayer competitive games for players’ time. However, its unique blend of MOBA and third-person shooter mechanics, high-resolution graphics, and emphasis on verticality set it apart from other games in the genre.

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