
President Biden Urges Congress to Prohibit AI Voice Impersonation in State of the Union Speech

blankPresident Biden made an important mention of artificial intelligence (AI) during his State of the Union address, calling for a ban on AI voice impersonation. This focus on voice cloning, a form of generative AI, highlights the potential dangers associated with the technology.

In recent years, voice cloning has become increasingly accessible, with both proprietary and open-source solutions available on the market. Recognizing the potential harm that can come from this technology, President Biden urged Congress to take action and prohibit AI voice impersonation.

The issue hits close to home for President Biden himself, as his voice was impersonated in a robocall effort prior to the New Hampshire primary election. The calls, which urged voters not to participate in the election, were traced back to Texas-based Life Corporation and Lingo Telecom. In response, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued a cease-and-desist letter to Lingo.

The call for a ban on AI voice impersonation raises important questions about the ethical use of artificial intelligence. While AI has the potential to bring about significant advancements and benefits, it also poses risks that need to be addressed. By prohibiting AI voice impersonation, lawmakers can take a step towards protecting individuals from potential harm and misuse of the technology.

The mention of AI in President Biden’s State of the Union address underscores the growing importance of this technology in our society. As AI continues to advance, it is crucial that we establish regulations and guidelines to ensure its responsible and ethical use.

In light of these developments, industry leaders and experts are coming together in Boston on March 27 for an exclusive event focused on AI and its impact. The AI Impact Tour, in partnership with Microsoft, will provide insights and discussions on best practices for data integrity in 2024 and beyond. With limited space available, interested individuals are encouraged to request an invite to secure their spot at this important event.

Overall, President Biden’s call to ban AI voice impersonation highlights the need for careful consideration and regulation of artificial intelligence. As AI technology continues to evolve, it is important that we prioritize the protection of individuals and society as a whole. By addressing these concerns and working towards responsible AI use, we can harness the benefits of this technology while minimizing potential risks.