
“Preventing Loose Wheels: Sumitomo Rubber Industries Introduces Software-Based Solution for Wheel Detachments”

Preventing Wheel Detachments: The Role of Sensing Core Technology

When it comes to road safety, wheel detachments are a significant concern. The Transport Road Laboratory’s two-phase project conducted between 2006 and 2010 revealed that there were between 7500 and 10,000 cases of loose wheel nuts reported on heavy vehicles each year in the UK. In addition, there were between 150 and 400 wheel detachments annually, resulting in injury and fatal accidents.

The Problem of Inadequately Tightened Wheel Nuts:
One contributing factor to wheel detachments is the higher frequency of wheel changes, particularly in markets where drivers switch between winter and summer tires. This increases the possibility of inadequately tightened wheel nuts, leading to potential accidents.

Sensing Core: A Software-Based Solution:
In Japan, where wheel detachments have become a concerning issue, Sumitomo Rubber Industries (SRI) has developed an innovative solution called Sensing Core. This technology, owned by SRI’s Falken Tyre brand, is entirely software-based and can be installed in the software of vehicle Electronic Control Units (ECUs). By leveraging the existing ABS technology that measures individual wheel rotation speeds, Sensing Core can detect variations in data caused by wheel vibration when a wheel nut becomes loose. This information is then relayed to the driver, alerting them in a similar manner as low tire pressure warnings.

The Evolution of Tire Monitoring Systems:
Sensing Core has its roots in SRI’s original deflation warning system (DWS), which operates on the basis of tire rotation speed. DWS is already used by 15 Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) across Europe, Japan, China, and India. The data from DWS is readily available on the CAN data bus of modern vehicles, providing valuable information about tire slip on the road surface. With Sensing Core, SRI’s engineers have taken this concept further by detecting variations in data caused by loose wheel nuts, thereby addressing the issue of wheel detachments.

The Smart Tyre Concept and Future Applications:
Sensing Core is part of SRI’s broader Smart Tyre Concept, which aims to collect various information, such as road and weather conditions, and share it across the wider vehicle fleet via the cloud. The company also plans to utilize Sensing Core in cloud-based tire wear monitoring. By analyzing details of vehicle use, the software in the cloud can predict tire wear and notify drivers or fleet managers when a tire replacement is necessary.

Industry Trends and Future Implications:
SRI is not the only tire manufacturer investing heavily in smart tire research. Continental and Pirelli are also focusing on developing similar technologies. The incorporation of smart tire technology is expected to play a significant role in improving safety in the future.

Wheel detachments pose a serious risk to road safety, leading to accidents and fatalities. Sensing Core, a software-based technology developed by Sumitomo Rubber Industries (SRI), offers a promising solution. By detecting variations in data caused by loose wheel nuts, Sensing Core can alert drivers to potential hazards. As the automotive industry continues to prioritize safety, smart tire technologies like Sensing Core are likely to become standard features in vehicles, contributing to safer roads worldwide.