Home Tech Procreate Takes a Stand Against Generative AI, Embracing Human Creativity

Procreate Takes a Stand Against Generative AI, Embracing Human Creativity

Procreate, a popular illustration and animation app for iPads, has made a bold statement by declaring that it will remain AI-free. In a video posted on social media, CEO James Cuda expressed his strong dislike for generative AI and its impact on artists. This decision sets Procreate apart from other creative tools that are incorporating generative AI into their products.

On Procreate’s website, they further explain their stance, stating that they will not use generative AI and that they do not have access to user work or track user activity. This implies that Procreate will not use artists’ works to train and implement generative AI tools, which is a concern in the creative community. Unlike Cuda, who is vehemently against generative AI, Procreate acknowledges that there is a place for machine learning but believes that the current path of generative AI is not right for them.

This anti-AI stance aligns with a growing sentiment among artists that generative AI devalues human-created art. Companies like Adobe and Canva have embraced generative AI tools, which can generate and edit multimedia. While these tools offer convenience and innovation, they also pose a threat to jobs in the creative industries. Moreover, the fact that these tools are trained on human-created art without proper credit or consent has fueled fear and mistrust among creatives.

One incident that further fueled this mistrust was an Apple ad that featured an iPad Pro, packed with AI-powered creative tools, literally crushing artist tools. This ad seemed to confirm users’ suspicions that tech companies prioritize profit over respecting their customers. The backlash against generative AI features in creative tools has been growing, and artists are increasingly concerned about the impact on their livelihoods.

Interestingly, the demand for AI investment on Wall Street has waned, and consumer response to generative AI for creative tasks has not been as positive as expected. Procreate’s decision to remain AI-free may have been seen as business suicide in the past, but today it could be a key factor in building customer loyalty. The post by James Cuda received overwhelming support, with users expressing their appreciation for Procreate’s commitment to human creativity and not succumbing to the trend of incorporating AI into everything.

In a world where companies are putting AI in everything they create, Procreate’s decision stands out as a refreshing and appealing alternative. Users are thrilled to continue using the app, knowing that it values their creativity and will not sell out to corporate interests. Procreate’s anti-AI stance reflects the growing desire among artists for tools that prioritize and empower human creativity over automated processes.

In conclusion, Procreate’s decision to remain AI-free has struck a chord with the artist community. It aligns with a larger sentiment against generative AI in creative tools and addresses concerns about job security and the devaluation of human-created art. By taking this stand, Procreate is not only differentiating itself from its competitors but also gaining the loyalty and support of users who appreciate its commitment to human creativity.

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