
Progressive Agrees to $48 Million Settlement in Class Action Lawsuit Over Undervalued Claims by New York Drivers

Progressive, a well-known insurance company, has agreed to pay $48 million to settle a class action lawsuit filed against them. The lawsuit accused Progressive of undervaluing the claims of New York drivers whose vehicles were wrecked. The preliminary settlement was filed in federal court in Manhattan and is awaiting approval from U.S. District Judge Lorna Schofield.

According to the policyholders, Progressive used third-party software that underestimated the value of their vehicles before they became total losses. They argue that the software made adjustments that exaggerated the impact of haggling, even though online prices have made such negotiations obsolete. This alleged manipulation artificially reduced the payouts, which violated Progressive’s policies and New York’s general business law.

While Progressive denied any wrongdoing, they have agreed to settle the lawsuit. As of now, Progressive and its lawyers have not yet responded to requests for comment. The settlement will cover New York policyholders from July 28, 2015, to the present. Each member of the settlement class is expected to receive a $335 check.

The policyholders’ lawyers may also seek up to $16 million in legal fees. This demonstrates the significant resources required to pursue and litigate a class action lawsuit of this scale.

The case, formally known as Volino et al v Progressive Casualty Insurance Co et al, is being heard in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York under case number 21-06243.

This settlement highlights the importance of fair and accurate valuation when it comes to insurance claims. It serves as a reminder that policyholders have the right to expect transparency and honesty from their insurance providers. Undervaluing claims can have a significant impact on individuals who rely on their insurance coverage to recover from accidents or other incidents.

While this particular case focuses on Progressive and their alleged use of misleading software, it raises broader questions about the industry as a whole. Are other insurance companies using similar practices? Are policyholders being treated fairly and receiving the full value they are entitled to? These questions require further investigation and scrutiny.

It is worth noting that class action lawsuits serve an essential purpose in holding companies accountable for potential wrongdoing. These lawsuits allow individuals with similar claims to join forces and seek justice collectively. They provide an opportunity for policyholders to challenge unfair practices and seek compensation for any harm they may have suffered.

In conclusion, Progressive’s agreement to pay $48 million to settle the class action lawsuit brought against them sheds light on the importance of fair valuation in insurance claims. While Progressive denies any wrongdoing, the settlement reflects their willingness to resolve the matter. This case serves as a reminder of the need for transparency and honesty in the insurance industry and raises questions about the practices of other insurance companies. Class action lawsuits play a vital role in ensuring accountability and justice for policyholders.