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QR Payments Explained

A quick response code, popularly known as a QR code, is a popular type of matrix barcode that can be scanned by a smartphone, tablet, computer, and an optical scanner. The code is mostly black in color in a white background. In most cases, QR codes direct a person to a website, email, or phone number. For example, you can add a QR code in your business card that directs the user to your LinkedIn account.

How QR codes work

QR codes have been used for more than three decades to simplify how people access various web pages. Their popularity jumped after the introduction of the iPhone, which led to a boom in the smartphone industry. 

A QR code uses the same concept as the traditional barcodes that are popularly used in supermarkets and in physical products. The only difference is that a QR code is made of black dots and squares, which represent different parts of information.

People cannot decode the QR codes using their eyes. Instead, they need to use cameras that have the capability to scan and decipher the code. Today, most smartphone cameras can easily read the code and present the link.

In addition to smartphone cameras, there are hundreds of mobile applications that can scan and decode all QR codes

How QR code payments work

Many companies are now using QR codes as a means of payment. Some of the most popular businesses that use these codes are restaurants and hotels. In most periods, restaurants have a QR code that leads to a payment landing page.

QR code payments work in a relatively simple way. First, a company needs to have its preferred payment processing provider. The most popular providers are Noda, Stripe, PayPal, Adyen, and GoBankless.You should select a payment provider that is easy to use and one whose commissions are reasonable.

Second, you need to set up your payment account by entering a few details about your business. Some of the most common information you need to create your account are the business name, contact details, and your industry.

Third, you can create a payment landing page and then generate a QR for the link. Most payment providers have an inbuilt QR code generator that you can use to create your QR code. Alternatively, you can use Google to get the best generator to use. 

How to share the QR code in payments

There are several ways in which you can use the QR code to accept payments. First, if you are a restaurant or hotel, you can add the QR code on the menu. Your guests can then scan the code, which will direct them to the payment page. 

Second, you can have the QR code in your marketing materials like posters and television ads. In this case, anyone who sees the code can follow the link, buy, and then make a payment.

Third, you can incorporate the QR code in your business card. When you do that, anyone who receives the card can buy your products and pay. 


QR codes have become an essential part of most businesses, especially those in the hospitality and retail industries. In this article, we have explored how these codes work and how to implement them for your organization. 

Some of the benefits of using these QR codes are that they are easy to generate, can be used across various mediums, are relatively safer to use, and can be used by all types of businesses. Further, you don’t need to build your own payment infrastructure since you will be using reputable companies that serve thousands of companies globally.

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