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“RAW Dating App: Bringing Genuine Connections to Online Dating”

The RAW Dating App is on a mission to revolutionize the dating scene by eliminating the superficiality and fakeness often associated with online dating. Unlike other apps that rely on heavily filtered and staged photos, RAW aims to provide a more genuine and unfiltered experience for young professionals and students, specifically targeting women aged 21 to 27 who are seeking authentic connections.

While it’s unclear if the company’s claim of raising a $3 million friends and family round can be independently verified, the founder has garnered media coverage in outlets like Forbes and Entrepreneur, along with syndicated press releases. Despite some skepticism surrounding the company’s credibility, the pitch deck caught the attention of investors due to its intriguing premise.

One of the standout aspects of RAW’s pitch deck is its clear solution slide. Unlike the rest of the deck, which tends to focus on product details, this slide concisely presents the innovative features that set the app apart. By providing a snapshot of how RAW addresses the pain points of online dating, this slide effectively captures the interest of potential investors.

However, while the solution slide is well-articulated, it could be more assertive in claiming to solve all dating app problems. Investors want to see confidence and ambition, so it’s important for RAW to present their solution as comprehensive and unbeatable, rather than hedging their bets.

Another positive aspect of the pitch deck is the problem slide, which highlights the prevalence of scammers in the dating app world using hard-hitting statistics. While there is room for improvement, citing sources for these statistics would help establish credibility and build trust among investors.

The pitch deck also provides insight into RAW’s target audience, although it could be more specific in identifying the cities where their prime users are located. Additionally, using data-backed personas rather than cutesy marketing terms would demonstrate a clear and strategic approach to targeting investors.

Despite these strengths, there are several areas where RAW could improve their pitch deck. Market size data, go-to-market strategy, and a clear business model and pricing are crucial components that should not have been overlooked. Investors need to understand the potential for growth, the path to user acquisition and growth, and how the company plans to generate revenue.

The competitive slide in the pitch deck is particularly weak, as it fails to demonstrate a deep understanding of the online dating landscape. RAW needs to provide specific details about their competitors, including features, pricing, and their target audience. Investors want to see that RAW has a competitive advantage and a clear differentiation strategy.

Another problematic slide is the mysterious slide 16, which lacks a title and clear context. Without labeled axes and a timeline, it’s difficult to interpret the data presented. Moreover, if these numbers represent actual users bringing in revenue, it’s important to showcase the financial impact.

Lastly, the pitch deck dedicates three slides to the same problem, which is excessive. Consolidating these slides into one concise statement with supporting statistics would be more effective. Additionally, it’s important for RAW to demonstrate how they tangibly address these issues with more than just good intentions.

In conclusion, while the RAW Dating App’s pitch deck has its strengths, such as a clear solution slide and highlighting the problem of scammers, there are significant areas for improvement. Providing market size data, a go-to-market strategy, a clear business model and pricing, and a comprehensive competitive analysis would make the pitch deck more compelling to potential investors. Additionally, clarifying data, labeling axes, and presenting a coherent message in slide 16 would enhance the overall impact of the presentation.

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