Home FTC Razer Faces $1.1 Million Fine for Misleading Claims About N95-Grade Mask

Razer Faces $1.1 Million Fine for Misleading Claims About N95-Grade Mask

Razer, a popular gaming accessory maker, has come under fire from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) with a $1.1 million fine for misleading consumers about the certification of its Zephyr mask. The FTC claims that Razer falsely represented the mask as being N95-grade, which is a high standard for respiratory protection.

In response to the allegations, Razer has denied any wrongdoing and stated that it never intended to mislead anyone. The company chose to settle the matter to avoid the distractions of litigation and continue focusing on creating innovative products for gamers. Razer emphasized its commitment to the gaming community and its dedication to delivering technology in new and relevant ways.

Razer also argues that the FTC’s complaint was selective, highlighting that they voluntarily refunded customers and ceased sales of the Zephyr mask after proactively notifying customers that it was not an N95 mask. The company asserts that the Zephyr was designed to offer a unique face covering option, but certain statements relating to its capabilities were limited and may have been misleading.

The FTC’s order not only imposes a fine but also prohibits Razer from selling the mask and making false or unsubstantiated health claims about protective health equipment. Additionally, it restricts Razer from making any representations about the health benefits, performance, efficacy, safety, or side effects of protective goods and services unless they can provide reliable scientific evidence to support their claims.

The filing suggests that Razer intentionally deceived consumers into believing that the Zephyr mask could protect against COVID-19. Considering the timing of the product’s release in October 2021, when the pandemic was at its peak, it is understandable why consumers would be concerned about their health and safety.

However, it is important to note that the order is awaiting approval and signature from a District Court judge. Once approved, it will serve as a reminder to businesses that they will be held accountable for using false and unsubstantiated claims to target consumers who are making decisions about their health and safety.

This case highlights the importance of transparency and accuracy when marketing and promoting products, especially during a global health crisis. It also serves as a cautionary tale for companies that may be tempted to capitalize on public fears by making exaggerated or false claims about their products’ abilities to protect against COVID-19. Consumers should remain vigilant and rely on reliable sources of information when making decisions about their health and safety.

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