Home Business Redefining Outbound Sales: How BRAIN’s CORTEX Platform Revolutionizes Appointment Setting and Follow-Up

Redefining Outbound Sales: How BRAIN’s CORTEX Platform Revolutionizes Appointment Setting and Follow-Up

Revolutionizing Outbound Sales with BRAIN’s CORTEX Platform

*Undervalued and Under-Trained: The Importance of Appointment Setting*

Setting appointments is a task that most sales representatives dislike, yet it is a key driver of outbound sales. Surprisingly, appointment setting is often the most under-trained and undervalued aspect of the sales process. Companies collectively spend billions of dollars each year on setting appointments, but their sales reps rarely follow up on leads and only achieve a few hours of productive work each day.

*The Solution: BRAIN’s Innovative Approach*

Fortunately, Michael Curtis, Keith Crum, and Syed Taiyab have developed a win-win solution with their company BRAIN. BRAIN focuses on redefining how outbound sales-focused companies connect with their customers. Their vision is to create a world where sales reps can focus on what they are good at: selling. Meanwhile, BRAIN takes on the weight of outreach, follow-up, and tedious tasks.

*Revolutionizing Sales with CORTEX*

BRAIN’s CORTEX platform is a game-changer in the sales industry. It is the first trimodal, done-for-you sales platform that combines Voice AI calling, AI Video Clones, and AI Chat. These tools work seamlessly together to handle all aspects of appointment setting, follow-up, and data enrichment.

The goal of CORTEX is to automate and enhance the appointment-setting process. By using CORTEX, businesses can reduce appointment-setting costs by 3-5 times, eliminate the need for management, and achieve output levels that are unattainable by humans. This newfound efficiency allows businesses to focus on closing more deals, gaining data-driven insights, and effectively scaling their operations.

*BRAIN’s Flagship Service: Voice AI for Sales*

BRAIN’s flagship service, Voice AI for sales, is a cutting-edge technology that combines authentic natural voices with artificial intelligence. This technology allows the system to speak in a lifelike manner while continuously improving its abilities with every interaction. Voice AI for sales increases the quality and quantity of client conversations to levels beyond human capability. Its features include 1,000,000+ daily calls, custom voice cloning, support for multiple languages, emotional intelligence, and high sales expertise.

BRAIN recognizes the changing tide in the workplace and aims to improve it through design. By embracing AI’s utilization and implementation, BRAIN is positioned well within the future of this technology.

*Creating Impact and Change*

BRAIN’s founders believe that the true measure of success in pioneering innovation lies in the impact and change one can create. Their commitment to ethical innovation and expertise in the field has positioned them as leaders in the industry. BRAIN’s CORTEX platform not only benefits individual businesses on a micro level but also has the potential to bring about positive change on a macro level for the entire industry.

In conclusion, BRAIN’s CORTEX platform is revolutionizing outbound sales by redefining how companies connect with their customers. By automating and enhancing the appointment-setting process, businesses can save costs, increase productivity, and focus on closing more deals. With their commitment to ethical innovation and vision for creating impact and change, BRAIN is at the forefront of AI’s utilization and implementation in the sales industry.

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