
Revolutionary Battery Technology Dramatically Cuts Electric Car Charging Time

Ultra-Fast Charging: A Breakthrough for Electric Cars

Electric cars have long faced a major challenge when it comes to charging time, especially on longer journeys. However, recent advancements in battery technology offer a glimmer of hope. Storedot, a company known for its silicon-dominant lithium-ion battery anode technology, has developed a groundbreaking solution called XFC (extreme fast charge). This technology has the potential to cut charging times by 50% without any additional cost.

Storedot’s XFC technology has recently been put to the test by their technology partner, Polestar. Using a prototype Polestar 5, engineers set up a charging test from 10% state of charge (SOC) to 80% within 10 minutes. To everyone’s surprise, the technology exceeded expectations and reached 82% in the allotted time.

One key takeaway from the test is the marked improvement in the charge curve. Typically, fast charging rates drop significantly as the battery’s SOC increases during charging. However, in this test, the charge rate actually increased from 310kW at 10% SOC to over 370kW at 80%. This means that it becomes more worthwhile for drivers to make quick charging stops while on a trip. For example, a driver plugging in at 50% SOC could be back on the road at 80% in just five minutes.

These ultra-fast charge speeds bring electric cars closer to the convenience of refueling an internal combustion engine (ICE) car with petrol or diesel. Additionally, there is no need to stand and wait during the charging process or queue to pay. This convenience not only benefits the driver but also frees up chargers more quickly for the next person.

Polestar believes that this breakthrough is a world-first. They emphasize that no additional components were added outside the battery pack, and the prototype Polestar 5 still had its standard cooling pump and fan. They are hopeful that this battery technology could be integrated into their production cars within the next two to three years.

Overall, ultra-fast charging technology like Storedot’s XFC brings us one step closer to overcoming the limitations of electric cars. As charging times decrease and convenience increases, electric vehicles become a more viable option for longer trips. With continued advancements in battery technology, the future of electric mobility looks promising.