
“Revolutionizing Business with Generative AI: Insights from SAP’s Keynote at VB Transform 2024”

blankFour Ways Gen AI is Revolutionizing SAP’s Business

SAP Labs, a leading enterprise software company, is embracing the power of generative AI (gen AI) to transform data into actionable insights and drive innovation and efficiency. In a keynote address at VB Transform 2024, Yaad Oren, managing director of SAP Labs U.S., highlighted how gen AI is revolutionizing SAP’s business by delivering results for its customers and scaling AI across the enterprise.

Scaling AI Across the Enterprise

Oren emphasized that insights gained from one customer adopting AI can be transferred to another, accelerating scale and adoption. SAP currently has over 24,000 customers using its AI solutions, and the company has integrated AI into over 10,000 published and 5,000 scenario-based interfaces and messages. This integration supports their customers’ diverse enterprise requirements, enabling them to leverage AI in various areas of their operations.

Improving Business for SAP Customers

Oren shared four ways in which gen AI is improving business for SAP customers:

1. Enhancing Game Analysis for E-sports: SAP analyzes over 320 million data points to help Team Liquid, a leading e-sports organization, optimize its strategies and performance in competitive gaming. This approach is applicable to other industries, as it draws parallels between the game landscape and solving sourcing, supply chain, and logistics challenges.

2. Optimizing Marketing Campaigns at Scale: Gibson, the iconic guitar manufacturer, uses SAP’s automated campaign management tools to analyze customer preferences and behaviors. This enables Gibson to create personalized marketing campaigns, resulting in a 50% increase in email revenue and a 10% increase in overall revenue within a year.

3. Improving Supply Chain and Logistics Performance: SAP focuses on aggregating and learning from supply chain and logistics-related use cases across its customer base. By drawing on real-world examples like Team Liquid, SAP’s gen AI models can learn faster and handle greater complexity, helping businesses anticipate and mitigate supply chain issues.

4. Enhancing Customer Engagement: Gibson leverages gen AI-based apps and tools to gain real-time, data-driven insights and tailor its communication and marketing strategies to meet the unique preferences of its fans. This helps Gibson improve recommendations and keep its customers informed about the latest news and updates in the music genres they follow.

SAP’s AI Framework

Oren also provided an overview of SAP’s AI framework, which aims to scale embedded AI capabilities across an enterprise’s functional areas. The framework encompasses finance, supply chain, HR, procurement, marketing and commerce, sales and services, and IT. SAP’s copilot, Joule, provides access to embedded AI capabilities, making AI accessible in its broad application portfolio.

In Conclusion

SAP Labs’ embrace of gen AI is driving a revolution in the company’s business. By leveraging AI to deliver results for its customers and scaling AI across the enterprise, SAP is positioning itself for an AI-centric future. The lessons learned from managing massive data sets across its customer base have enabled SAP to make AI accessible in its broad base application portfolio. As Oren concluded, “The future belongs to those who can harness the power of data, and at SAP, we are committed to helping our customers achieve that future.”