
Revolutionizing Gaming: Twin Galaxies and Thece Partner to Reward Gamers and Celebrate Achievements

blankTitle: Revolutionizing Gaming: Twin Galaxies and Thece’s Vision for Recognizing Player Achievements

Jace Hall, CEO of Twin Galaxies, has an ambitious plan to revolutionize the gaming industry by putting players and their achievements in the spotlight. In partnership with startup Thece, Twin Galaxies aims to help non-gaming brands build games that celebrate and reward ordinary gamers. This unique approach goes beyond traditional esports and celebrity streamers, offering a new way for brands to engage with gamers and create authentic experiences. Let’s dive deeper into this game-changing idea.

Recognizing Achievement: Twin Galaxies’ Legacy
Twin Galaxies, founded by Walter Day in 1981, has a long-standing tradition of honoring video game achievements. The company’s platform serves as a fair referee for gaming competitions, focusing on objective measurement rules to identify and authenticate achievements. By doing so, Twin Galaxies creates an IMDB-like database of video game player accomplishments, allowing players to be recognized for their skills and dedication outside of the game itself.

Championing Players over Games
Hall argues that the gaming industry often overlooks the individual players, placing more emphasis on company or product brands. By shifting the focus towards celebrating player achievements, similar to how sports functions, Twin Galaxies aims to create an ecosystem that recognizes and rewards gamers. This player-centric approach presents a significant opportunity for brands to engage with gamers authentically and generate meaningful results.

The Power of Challenge Play: Thece’s Expertise
To bring this vision to life, Twin Galaxies partners with Thece, an expert in creating authentic and engaging gaming experiences. ThecePlay, powered by Twin Galaxies’ trusted platform, ensures fair competition while providing an exciting experience for participants. This collaboration elevates winners’ achievements and offers a valuable opportunity for brands to connect with their target demographics through challenge play.

Brands as Hero Makers: Thece’s Innovative Solution
Thece’s CEO, Zack Rozga, emphasizes the need for brands to create authentic connections with consumers in today’s oversaturated digital marketing landscape. Through challenge play, brands can become “hero makers” by rewarding players for their achievements and building resonance with their target audience. The Miracle-Gro Challenge serves as a prime example, where players can win real-world goods and services by excelling in a virtual farming game.

Expanding Possibilities: Game-Agnostic Engagement
One of the key advantages of Twin Galaxies’ platform is its game-agnostic nature. Brands can create challenges across a wide range of games, allowing them to reach diverse audiences. ThecePlay enables players to monetize their gameplay time and generate value for themselves while providing brands with a unique avenue to advertise their products or services. This innovative approach disrupts the traditional advertising model and offers a win-win situation for both players and brands.

Driving Engagement and Excitement
The combination of challenge play, recognition of achievements, and real-world rewards generates enthusiasm among players and creates social media buzz around the brand. Twin Galaxies’ platform objectively measures player performance, allowing brands to share content showcasing players’ accomplishments. This heightened engagement not only benefits the players but also amplifies brand awareness and message delivery.

A Paradigm Shift for the Gaming Industry
Hall believes that this disruptive approach will transform the gaming industry by recognizing and capitalizing on the value of player time spent in games. By shifting the focus from game products to player achievements, Twin Galaxies aims to empower players and provide them with opportunities to turn their gaming passion into tangible rewards. This innovative model challenges traditional esports and places players at the forefront, aligning more closely with how pro sports celebrate athletes and teams.

Twin Galaxies and Thece’s vision for recognizing player achievements through challenge play represents a significant shift in the gaming industry. By putting players first and providing brands with an authentic way to engage with gamers, this game-agnostic platform offers a new avenue for monetizing gameplay time and creating valuable connections. With its disruptive potential, this approach has the power to reshape the industry and unlock untapped opportunities for players, brands, and gaming enthusiasts alike.