
Revolutionizing Language Models: MatMul-Free Approach for Efficient AI

blankHow MatMul-Free Language Models are Revolutionizing AI

Matrix multiplications, or MatMul operations, are crucial in large language models (LLMs) using the Transformer architecture. However, as LLMs scale to larger sizes, the cost of MatMul grows significantly, leading to increased memory usage and latency during training and inference. To address this issue, researchers have introduced MatMul-free language models that achieve performance on par with state-of-the-art Transformers while requiring far less memory during inference.

Replacing MatMul Operations with Ternary Operations

The researchers suggest replacing the traditional 16-bit floating point weights used in Transformers with 3-bit ternary weights that can take one of three states: -1, 0, and +1. Additionally, they replace MatMul with additive operations that provide equally good results at much lower computational costs. The models are composed of “BitLinear layers” that use ternary weights. By constraining the weights to a set of three states and applying additional quantization techniques, MatMul operations are replaced with addition and negation operations.

Changes to the Language Model Architecture

In the MatMul-free architecture, the token mixer, responsible for integrating information across different tokens in a sequence, is implemented using a MatMul-free Linear Gated Recurrent Unit (MLGRU). The MLGRU processes the sequence of tokens through simple ternary operations without the need for expensive matrix multiplications. The channel mixer, responsible for integrating information across different feature channels within a token’s representation, is implemented using a Gated Linear Unit (GLU) modified to work with ternary weights instead of MatMul operations.

Performance and Efficiency of MatMul-Free Language Models

Comparisons between two variants of MatMul-free LM and the advanced Transformer++ architecture show that the MatMul-free LM is more efficient in leveraging additional compute resources to improve performance. The models outperformed their Transformer++ counterpart on advanced benchmarks while maintaining comparable performance on other tasks. Notably, the MatMul-free LM has lower memory usage and latency compared to Transformer++. As the model size increases, the memory and latency advantages of MatMul-free LM become more pronounced.

Optimized Implementations and Future Outlook

The researchers have created optimized GPU and FPGA implementations for MatMul-free language models, resulting in accelerated training and reduced memory consumption. They believe that their work can pave the way for the development of more efficient and hardware-friendly deep learning architectures. While they were not able to test the MatMul-free architecture on very large models with more than 100 billion parameters due to computational constraints, they hope their work will inspire institutions and organizations with the necessary resources to invest in accelerating lightweight models. Ultimately, this architecture aims to make language models less dependent on high-end GPUs and enable researchers to run powerful models on less expensive and less supply constrained processors.


MatMul-free language models offer a promising solution to the computational challenges posed by large language models using the Transformer architecture. By replacing MatMul operations with ternary operations and making changes to the language model architecture, these models achieve comparable performance with significantly lower memory usage and latency. The optimized implementations further enhance their efficiency and scalability. The researchers anticipate that their work will drive the development of more accessible, efficient, and sustainable language models in the future.