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“Rimac Unveils Verne: The Autonomous Taxi Service Coming to the UK in 3 Years”

Rimac, a well-known electric vehicle manufacturer, has recently announced its new spin-off company called Verne. Verne plans to launch an autonomous taxi service in the UK within the next three years. This exciting development comes as the demand for electric and autonomous vehicles continues to grow.

Verne’s main focus is on providing a comfortable and spacious experience for passengers. The company has designed a radical two-seat electric hatchback that prioritizes interior space, ergonomics, and on-board entertainment. In fact, the Verne taxi is claimed to be even roomier inside than a Rolls-Royce. The seats are extra-large and have five different position settings, allowing passengers to work or rest during their ride.

One of the standout features of the Verne taxi is its massive 43-inch display screen, which replaces the traditional dashboard. This screen can be controlled via a touchpad on the center console and can be used for entertainment purposes or to display information about the journey. Verne designer Adriano Mudri explains that they aimed to create an interior that feels more like a living room than a typical car.

Verne has also addressed some common issues faced by traditional ride-hailing services. They have developed a bespoke ride-hailing app that allows passengers to pre-condition the interior of the taxi before their ride. This means that on a cold day, for example, the taxi can arrive already warmed to the passenger’s exact preference. Verne also assures customers that rides will not be cancelled, providing a reliable and convenient transportation option.

The Verne taxi is built on a new electric car platform that is highly adaptable. This suggests that future variants of the vehicle could be developed to suit different regional needs. The autonomous driving systems of the Verne taxi were developed in partnership with Mobileye, an Israeli-based specialist owned by Intel. This collaboration brings additional expertise and credibility to the project.

In terms of design, Verne has taken a unique approach. The exterior of the hatchback prioritizes the integration of cameras and sensors, as well as aerodynamic performance. The company has removed certain features typically found on human-driven vehicles, such as windshield wipers and side-view mirrors. This not only simplifies the appearance of the vehicle but also improves aerodynamic performance and allows for easier cleaning.

Verne has chosen Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, as the location for building the taxis. This decision aims to put Croatia on the map as a country that encourages the development of future technologies. The taxi service will initially launch in Zagreb in 2026, with plans to expand to the UK and Germany in 2027. Verne has already signed agreements with 11 additional cities, indicating a strong commitment to global expansion.

Overall, Verne’s autonomous taxi service is an exciting development in the transportation industry. With its focus on passenger comfort, innovative interior design, and reliable service, Verne has the potential to revolutionize the way people travel within cities. As the demand for electric and autonomous vehicles continues to rise, Verne’s entry into the market is a significant step towards a more sustainable and efficient future.

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