Home Tech Samsung’s Chairman Responds to Criticism of “Apple Clones” Design

Samsung’s Chairman Responds to Criticism of “Apple Clones” Design

Samsung Faces Criticism for “Apple Clones”

Samsung’s executive chairman, Lee Jae-yong, has reportedly expressed his dissatisfaction with the criticism received by the company’s mobile division, Samsung MX (Mobile eXperience), regarding the designs of their latest products. The chairman allegedly demanded a reassessment of their plans after social media and tech news outlets accused Samsung of copying Apple’s designs. An insider revealed that the chairman personally intervened in response to the controversy surrounding Apple’s design plagiarism and quality issues with the Buds 3 series and Galaxy Watch 7. This incident has created a negative atmosphere within the company.

The Uninspired Designs

During Samsung’s annual Galaxy Unpacked event, the company faced a wave of criticism for its new smartphones, smartwatch, and earbuds. Many reviewers, tech commentators, and even Samsung fans expressed disappointment in the uninspired designs, likening them to Apple products. Quinn Nelson of Snazzy Labs, a popular tech review channel on YouTube, described the Galaxy Watch Ultra as a “shameless copy of an Apple product.” Apple Insider’s Andrew O’Hara also voiced his disappointment, stating that Samsung’s products were “boring and a massive fail compared to where Samsung used to be.” Reporters attending a media briefing at Samsung’s flagship store in Seoul also noted the similarities between Samsung’s devices and Apple’s.

The Impact of the Criticism

Reviews of Samsung’s new products have consistently mentioned their resemblance to Apple designs. Bloomberg’s review of the Galaxy Watch Ultra stated that Samsung had created “an Apple Watch Ultra of its own.” The Verge, while acknowledging the disappointment of copying Apple, titled their review, “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.” It seems likely that Samsung will aim for a different design in the next iteration of their smartwatch and earbuds to distance themselves from the accusations of copying Apple. However, for now, Samsung must contend with the criticism and comparisons to their biggest competitor.

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