Home Startups Scaling Nonprofit Fundraising: Givebutter Raises $50M to Revolutionize the Sector

Scaling Nonprofit Fundraising: Givebutter Raises $50M to Revolutionize the Sector


Givebutter, a CRM platform for nonprofits, has recently raised $50 million in funding to scale its operations. The company was founded in 2016 with the aim of making nonprofit fundraising more transparent and enjoyable. Givebutter provides a comprehensive solution that combines various tools and features under one roof, addressing the disjointed mix of technology that nonprofits often face. The platform offers marketing resources, donor tracking, fundraising tools, and payment processing. With over 35,000 nonprofits already using Givebutter and more than $1 billion in donations processed, the company is poised for further growth in the nonprofit industry.

Growing Momentum in Nonprofit Tech:

The recent funding round for Givebutter highlights the increasing momentum in the nonprofit tech sector. During the latest YC Demo Day, two startups, Givefront and Aidy, showcased their tech solutions for nonprofits. While previous YC companies in this space were often nonprofits themselves, Givefront and Aidy stood out by focusing on building software for nonprofits. This shift suggests a changing landscape where more startups are recognizing the potential of the nonprofit market.

Consolidation and the Need for Affordable Solutions:

According to Max Friedman, the CEO of Givebutter, there has been significant consolidation in the nonprofit software space, driven by private equity-backed players such as Bloomerang and Bonterra. As these companies acquire others, fees tend to rise, prompting nonprofits to seek more affordable alternatives. Givebutter aims to fill this gap by offering its platform either for free (if nonprofits allow users to donate to Givebutter) or through a 1% to 5% platform fee. By providing cost-effective solutions, Givebutter hopes to attract a larger share of the market.

The Size of the Nonprofit Market:

The nonprofit industry represents a substantial market, with Americans donating nearly $500 billion to charity in 2022. However, Givebutter’s current market share is only about 1%, indicating significant room for growth. With over 1.5 million nonprofits and counting, capturing even a small portion of this market could lead to substantial success. Friedman recognizes the potential and aims to expand Givebutter’s reach to benefit more nonprofits.

Competition and Resilience in the Nonprofit Sector:

While Givebutter has made significant strides, it may face increasing competition in the future. However, Friedman believes that nonprofits are resilient and have consistently grown despite economic fluctuations. Moreover, nonprofits play a vital role in solving the world’s most significant problems. The growing awareness of this fact and increased investment in the nonprofit sector bode well for Givebutter’s continued success.


Givebutter’s recent funding round and its focus on providing a comprehensive CRM platform for nonprofits highlight the growing momentum in the nonprofit tech sector. With its transparent and all-encompassing solution, Givebutter aims to address the pain points faced by nonprofits and offer an affordable alternative to the rising fees associated with consolidation in the industry. As Givebutter expands its reach, it has the potential to make a more significant impact in the nonprofit industry, benefiting both organizations and the communities they serve.

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