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“Skybound’s David Alpert to Speak on Expanding IP & Games at Gamescom Latam”

Gamescom Latam, a new gaming event taking place in Sao Paulo, Brazil, has announced that David Alpert, co-chairman of Skybound, will be the keynote speaker at its upcoming June event. Alpert will be joined by Jon Goldman, another co-chairman of Skybound, for a fireside chat titled “Expansion of IP & Games.” The chat will focus on the movement of franchises across different entertainment media and the changing needs of consumers in the gaming industry.

Alpert expressed his excitement about being the keynote speaker, stating that the event is a testament to the global reach of gaming culture. He believes that expanding intellectual properties across movies, TV, games, and immersive realities is more than just entertainment; it’s about creating interconnected universes that immerse audiences in storytelling like never before.

Gamescom Latam aims to explore the intersection of storytelling and gaming, and the expansion of intellectual properties across platforms. Gustavo Steinberg, CEO of Gamescom Latam, believes that this shift in how we engage with content is not merely a trend but a fundamental change. He expects that Alpert’s profound knowledge of this phenomenon will enrich the audience’s understanding and inspire new avenues of creative exploration.

The event will take place from June 26-30 at the Sao Paulo Expo and incorporates the existing Brazilian International Games (BIG) Festival. Gamescom Latam is organized by Gamescom, Koelnmesse, Omelete Company, BIG Festival, and Game (the German gaming trade body).

The partnership between GamesBeat and Lil Snack to provide customized games for the audience adds an exciting element to the event. As gamers ourselves, we understand the appeal of engaging through play and appreciate the opportunity to interact with GamesBeat content in a new and interactive way. This partnership further emphasizes the growing popularity and influence of gaming culture.

Overall, Gamescom Latam promises to be an engaging and informative event, with industry experts like David Alpert and Jon Goldman sharing their insights on the future of gaming and the expansion of intellectual properties across various media platforms. Attendees can expect to gain a deeper understanding of the evolving gaming industry and its potential for immersive storytelling.

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