
Spotify Shuts Down Support for Car Thing, Rendering It Useless

Spotify’s decision to shut down support for the Spotify Car Thing has left many owners of the accessory feeling disappointed and frustrated. The Car Thing was initially seen as a promising device, offering an affordable solution for older car owners to enjoy Spotify in their vehicles. However, its execution fell short of expectations, leading to its failure in the market.

One of the major drawbacks of the Car Thing was its reliance on a connected phone. This raised questions about its necessity when there are cheaper alternatives available, such as phone mounts. Moreover, the device exclusively transmitted audio via Bluetooth, making it useless for owners of older cars without this technology.

Another limitation of the Car Thing was its lack of on-device storage capabilities. This meant that users had to rely on their phones for music, making it inconvenient for road trips or areas with weak cell signals. Additionally, the prominent knob on the device was not utilized as a volume control, but rather as a redundant physical navigation tool.

Spotify’s decision to discontinue support for the Car Thing comes as part of their efforts to streamline their product offerings and focus on developing new features for all Spotify users. Unfortunately, this means that Car Thing owners will be left with an inoperable device starting December 9. Spotify has not offered any refunds, subscription credits, or trade-in options for affected users.

The lack of options for Car Thing owners has led to disappointment and frustration. Not only did they invest $90 in a product that turned out to be of questionable utility, but they are also left with a useless device that will likely end up as e-waste. Spotify’s approach to handling this situation has left many feeling let down and raises questions about the company’s commitment to customer satisfaction.

In conclusion, the Spotify Car Thing’s failure highlights the challenges of transitioning from software to hardware for technology companies. It serves as a reminder that successful product development requires careful consideration of user needs and effective execution. As Spotify moves forward, it will need to learn from this experience and ensure that its future hardware endeavors are more thoroughly tested and meet the expectations of its user base.