
Spotify’s Potential Lossless Audio Upgrade Revealed: “Supremium” Subscription Tier and Optimized Headphone Sound

Spotify’s Promise of Lossless Audio: A Year Later and Still Missing

In 2021, Spotify made an exciting announcement that it would be introducing lossless audio to its platform. However, over a year has passed since that announcement, and the highly anticipated feature is still nowhere to be found. This left users wondering if Spotify would ever deliver on its promise.

Fortunately, recent developments suggest that Spotify may finally be gearing up to provide its users with the ultimate listening experience they have been eagerly awaiting. Strings of code discovered a few weeks ago hinted at the possibility of a new subscription tier called “Supremium.” This premium plan would offer an array of exciting features, including mixing tools, AI-generated playlists, and most importantly, 24-bit lossless audio quality.

However, it seems that Spotify has recently made some changes. References to Supremium have been removed from the app, and it has been replaced with something called “Music Pro.” According to a Reddit user named Hypixely, who delved into the code, Music Pro appears to be an optional addition rather than a standalone plan. This means that users will be able to add the Music Pro subscription to their existing plan for an additional fee.

To further substantiate these findings, a code has been discovered that outlines Spotify’s plans for Hi-Fi in a clear and concise manner. The code mentions phrases like “Lossless has arrived,” “Take control of your Lossless listening,” and “Your favorite music will sound as if it were digitally recorded in 16-bit and 24-bit high fidelity.” This code provides strong evidence that Spotify is indeed working on bringing lossless audio to its platform.

In addition to lossless audio, there is also evidence suggesting that Spotify is working on a feature that optimizes the sound for headphones. The code indicates that users would need to “select an exact match” for this optimization feature to work correctly. Interestingly, the code explicitly mentions Apple AirPods as one of the supported models, hinting that Spotify may be partnering with Apple to enhance the audio experience for AirPods users.

Another exciting development from Spotify is the introduction of AI-created playlists. On April 7, Spotify announced that AI playlists would be available to its Premium subscribers. Currently, users in the UK and Australia have access to the beta version of this feature. AI-generated playlists offer a personalized and curated music experience, taking into account users’ listening habits and preferences.

While Spotify’s delay in delivering lossless audio has been frustrating for users, these recent findings and developments provide hope that the wait may soon be over. With the potential introduction of Music Pro and the optimization feature for headphones, Spotify is demonstrating its commitment to enhancing the audio quality and overall listening experience for its users.

In conclusion, Spotify’s journey towards providing lossless audio has been a long one. However, with the discovery of code alluding to Music Pro and other exciting features, it seems that Spotify is finally on the brink of fulfilling its promise. The addition of AI-created playlists further showcases Spotify’s dedication to delivering a more personalized and immersive music experience. As users eagerly await these updates, it is clear that Spotify is continuously striving to stay at the forefront of audio streaming innovation.