Home ai Spotlight: Allison Cohen, Senior Applied AI Projects Manager at Mila

Spotlight: Allison Cohen, Senior Applied AI Projects Manager at Mila

In the male-dominated tech industry, it is essential to recognize the contributions of women in the field of AI. TechCrunch has been highlighting remarkable women in AI through a series of interviews. This article focuses on Allison Cohen, the senior applied AI projects manager at Mila. Cohen has made significant contributions to socially beneficial AI projects and has been recognized for her work in detecting misogyny, identifying online activity related to human trafficking, and recommending sustainable farming practices in Rwanda.

Allison Cohen’s Start in AI:
Cohen’s interest in AI was sparked during her master’s program in global affairs at the University of Toronto. Learning about the potential impact of AI on world politics, she realized the importance of educating herself on the subject. Cohen’s entry into the field was through an essay-writing competition, where she explored how psychedelic drugs could help humans compete with AI in the labor market. This experience gave her the confidence to pursue her interest in AI further.

Projects Allison Cohen is Proud Of:
One of Cohen’s notable projects involved building a dataset to identify bias against women. This project required a multidisciplinary team consisting of natural language processing experts, linguists, and gender studies specialists. Cohen emphasizes the importance of effective communication across disciplines to blend social sciences traditions with cutting-edge computer science developments. Her work has been well-received by the community and has inspired similar projects in other countries.

Navigating the Challenges of a Male-Dominated Industry:
Cohen acknowledges the problematic gender dynamics that persist in the tech industry, hindering progress for everyone. She draws inspiration from feminist standpoint theory, which recognizes that marginalized communities bring unique perspectives that can drive inclusive change. In order to overcome these challenges, Cohen emphasizes the need for diverse perspectives and allies. She highlights the importance of building strong relationships and collaborating with allies to create platforms that elevate the work of women and non-binary individuals in AI.

Advice for Women Entering the AI Field:
Cohen advises women seeking to enter the AI field to find an open door, regardless of whether it is a paid opportunity or aligned with their background. Volunteering can provide valuable experience and allow individuals to stand out. She also acknowledges the privilege associated with volunteering and shares her own experience of finding a career opportunity through volunteering during the pandemic.

Pressing Issues Facing AI:
According to Cohen, three interconnected issues need addressing as AI continues to evolve. First, there is a need to reconcile the scalability of AI with adapting tools to fit local knowledge and needs. This requires incorporating anthropologists and sociologists into the AI design process, which is hindered by existing incentive structures and obstacles to interdisciplinary collaboration. Additionally, Cohen calls for altering incentives to prioritize designing tools for those who need them most urgently, rather than focusing solely on profitability.

Issues AI Users Should Be Aware Of:
Cohen highlights the issue of labor exploitation in AI, particularly in relation to data labeling and dataset creation. Annotators often face exploitative practices without fair compensation or credit. Cohen recommends exploring the work of Krystal Kauffman, who advocates for annotators’ labor rights and fundamental human rights in AI development.

Responsible AI Building:
Cohen emphasizes the importance of considering ethical implications from the earliest stages of AI development. Waiting until later in the process limits opportunities for building responsible technology. She encourages thoughtful consideration of problem definition, orientation towards power dynamics, and empowerment or disempowerment of communities through AI use.

Investors and Responsible AI:
Investors can play a role in pushing for responsible AI by inquiring about a team’s values. If the team incorporates local community values and demonstrates accountability, they are more likely to adopt responsible practices. This highlights the importance of aligning values with responsible AI principles.

Allison Cohen’s journey in the field of AI showcases the potential for women to make significant contributions despite the challenges posed by a male-dominated industry. Her work emphasizes the need for interdisciplinary collaboration, diverse perspectives, and ethical considerations in AI development. By recognizing the achievements of women in AI, we can foster a more inclusive and responsible industry.

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