Home ai Strava Enhances Leaderboard Integrity with AI and Introduces New Features

Strava Enhances Leaderboard Integrity with AI and Introduces New Features


Strava, the social fitness app, has announced new features and updates aimed at improving user experience and addressing common complaints within its community. The company is leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to detect and remove questionable activities that may result in cheating on the leaderboard. Additionally, Strava is introducing “athlete intelligence,” a generative AI feature that offers performance summaries and guidance to premium subscribers. The app will also include a dark mode option and a family plan subscription discount for up to four people. Strava aims to attract users from different demographics with features like night heatmaps, which highlight safe routes during less trafficked hours, particularly appealing to women. These updates reflect Strava’s commitment to enhancing its value proposition and differentiating itself in the competitive fitness tracking market.

Improving Leaderboard Integrity with AI:

Strava users have long complained about cheating on the app’s leaderboard, where individuals may use motorbikes or other means to set records instead of using pedal bikes. To address this issue, Strava has implemented mechanisms to flag suspicious activities manually. Last year, the company updated its algorithms to make leaderboards more credible by withholding incorrectly labeled activities or those with faulty GPS data. Now, Strava is taking a step further by incorporating machine learning to automatically detect and remove questionable activities. By training their algorithms on millions of historical activities, Strava aims to better understand normal activity patterns and enhance the credibility of its leaderboards.

“Family Plan” Subscription and Group Discounts:

Strava is following the lead of other subscription services like Spotify by introducing a “family plan” that offers subscription discounts for up to four people, including the primary subscriber. However, the term “family plan” can be misleading, as it doesn’t require actual family members or individuals living at the same address. Instead, anyone living in the same country can be included in the plan. This approach allows Strava users to share subscriptions with friends, running crews, or teammates, creating more opportunities for motivation and cost-effectiveness. While the details of the plan are not fully disclosed yet, Strava plans to launch it in select countries, starting with Australia and Canada, followed by a broader international rollout later in the year.

Targeting Different Demographics:

Strava recognizes the importance of appealing to different demographics to attract new users. To encourage more women to join the platform, Strava is introducing night heatmaps, which highlight activities occurring between sundown and sunrise. This feature aims to address safety concerns when walking or jogging in less-trafficked areas during nighttime hours. By providing information on the safest routes after dark, Strava hopes to empower women to be more active and promote an inclusive community. Additionally, Strava is launching a “quick edit” feature that allows users to conceal specific metrics from their workout stats, providing greater control over their activity data.


Strava’s latest updates demonstrate its commitment to improving user experience and addressing common concerns within its community. By leveraging AI technology, Strava aims to enhance the credibility of its leaderboards and combat cheating. The introduction of “athlete intelligence” offers personalized performance summaries and guidance, catering to premium subscribers. Other features like dark mode, a family plan subscription, night heatmaps, and the quick edit feature further enhance the app’s value proposition and appeal to different demographics. Strava’s innovative approach to social fitness sets it apart from competitors in the market and solidifies its position as a leading platform for fitness enthusiasts worldwide.

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