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“Subscrible Launches Ad-Free Game Catalog App for Apple and Android, Revolutionizing Gaming Experience”

Game catalog app Subscrible has launched on Apple and Android smartphones, offering gamers an ad-free experience. The app aims to address the issue of poor-quality ads that degrade the user experience and result in lost revenues for developers. Subscrible, founded by Evgeny Unegovsky and Igor Diev, has already gained over 15,000 users. The app operates as an “offerwall” monetization tool, differentiating it from competitors like Multiscription, Apple Arcade, and Google Play Pass. By eliminating disruptive ads and reducing user acquisition costs, Subscrible maximizes efficiency and aligns with consumer preferences for minimal ad interruptions.

Unegovsky noted that intrusive ads make up a small percentage of revenue in quality games, so cutting acquisition costs by even 20% can triple profit margins for developers. This approach not only benefits developers but also enhances user satisfaction. Research shows that players typically explore around 5.6 games on average, and Subscrible’s metrics support this figure. Users need a unified solution instead of paying for individual ad-disabling solutions for each game. Additionally, 32% of mobile gamers plan to spend less on in-app purchases in 2024, which further highlights the challenge of user retention.

The inspiration for Subscrible came from Unegovsky’s family and friends. His child’s limited playtime was often interrupted by video advertisements, leading to anxiety and disrupted relaxation time. Disabling ads was not a viable solution as it created animosity against game developers. Unegovsky’s friends also mentioned that they do not play games with cover ads and delete them immediately. These insights prompted the launch of the first game catalog application that eliminates the need for advertising.

Unegovsky is an experienced entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience, having built four successful tech companies generating over $20 million in revenue. He cofounded three major travel tech companies in Israel and has a background in gaming and development. Subscrible monetizes through a unique form of monetization where it acquires users and sells them to developers at a reduced price. The app currently features eight games, with plans to offer less than 100 games to avoid overwhelming users with choices.

Subscrible aims to provide a better user experience and increase player engagement, making them more valuable to developers in the long run. The app competes with Google Play Pass and game publishers themselves, who can also be clients. By offering an ad-free experience and reducing user acquisition costs, Subscrible provides a win-win situation for both gamers and developers.

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