
Tara Chklovski: Empowering Young Girls in AI Education and Entrepreneurship

TechCrunch has been showcasing the achievements of women in the field of AI through a series of interviews. These women have made significant contributions to the AI revolution, and their work often goes unrecognized. In this article, we will highlight the achievements and insights of Tara Chklovski, the CEO and founder of Technovation, a nonprofit organization that empowers young girls through technology and entrepreneurship.

Tara Chklovski’s Journey into AI:
Tara Chklovski’s journey into AI began in 2016 when she attended the AAAI Conference. This conference exposed her to various AI researchers who were using this technology to solve problems in different fields. As the CEO of Technovation, Chklovski saw the potential of AI to empower underserved communities and decided to delve deeper into the field.

Empowering African American Mothers through AI Education:
Recognizing the interest of African American mothers in AI education for their children, Technovation conducted a national survey in 2017. The results revealed that African American mothers were particularly interested in bringing AI literacy to their children. In response, Technovation launched the AI Family Challenge, a global AI education program supported by Google and Nvidia. This program aimed to bridge the gap in AI education and empower underserved communities.

Technovation’s Unique Approach to AI Education:
Technovation stands out as the only global, project-based AI education program with a research-based curriculum translated into 12 languages. They have a peer-reviewed research article that showcases the impact of their project-based AI curriculum. By providing this curriculum to tens of thousands of girls worldwide, Technovation has been instrumental in equipping young women with AI skills.

Navigating the Male-Dominated Tech Industry:
Chklovski acknowledges the challenges faced by women in the male-dominated tech industry, including AI. She points out that power and influence usually lie with male CEOs who may not fully understand or empathize with the barriers women face. Chklovski emphasizes the need for more bold investments and champions who can support women in tech and drive progress.

Advice for Women Entering the AI Field:
Chklovski urges women interested in entering the AI field to start today. She highlights the abundance of free online courses and lectures available, making it easy to begin exploring AI. Chklovski also recommends Technovation’s curriculum as a starting point, as it requires no technical background and allows participants to create their own AI-based startups.

Pressing Issues in the Evolution of AI:
One pressing issue Chklovski addresses is the lack of representation and inclusion of underserved groups. She emphasizes that these groups have valuable voices, agency, and talent that should be harnessed rather than exploited. Technovation teams have already demonstrated the innovative ideas and solutions that can arise from these groups when given the opportunity.

Awareness of Ethical Considerations in AI Use:
Chklovski advises AI users to be curious and learn about the inner workings of AI models. Understanding how these models work will enable users to make informed decisions and be responsible consumers of AI technology.

Building Responsible AI:
Chklovski believes that building responsible AI involves training diverse groups that are not traditionally part of design and engineering teams. By including these groups as co-designers and builders, AI technologies can become more robust and innovative.

Investors’ Role in Promoting Responsible AI:
Chklovski suggests that investors should collaborate with global nonprofits that have access to diverse talent pools. By engaging with a broad set of users and incorporating their perspectives, engineers can develop AI technologies that are more inclusive and responsible.

Tara Chklovski’s journey into the field of AI through Technovation demonstrates the power of AI education in empowering underserved communities, particularly young girls. Her insights shed light on the challenges faced by women in the tech industry and offer valuable advice for women seeking to enter the AI field. Chklovski emphasizes the importance of inclusivity and collaboration in building responsible AI, urging investors to support diverse talent pools and engage with a broad set of users. Through Technovation’s work, underserved groups are no longer seen as mere recipients but as powerful collaborators in solving complex problems through AI.